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REDUCE TOOL-CHANGE AND INDEXING TIME IN YOUR SWISS MACHINING OPERATIONS MODULAR QC (QUICK-CHANGE) TOOLHOLDER FOR SMALL PART MACHINING WHEN INSERT INDEXING AND CHIP EVACUATION IS A PROBLEM Insert indexing and chips can bring your high-volume, small-part turning operations on Swiss-style machines to an immediate halt. Constrictive work spaces and multiple tools situated in extremely close proximity to one another make insert indexing difficult, time consuming and inefficient. At the same time, poor chip evacuation leads to reduced tool life for toolholders and cutting inserts. ELIMINATE INEFFICIENT INDEXING Tight machine work spaces make accessing and removing screws very difficult. Because of its modular design, the Modular QC Toolholder eliminates the difficulty of indexing small inserts as the system allows you to change the insert outside the machine which reduces the risk of very small screws and inserts dropping down into the machine. KEEP CHIPS FROM STOPPING YOUR PRODUCTION Chips can hinder unmanned small-part operations on Swiss-style machines and continuously cause production stoppages. Efficiently evacuate chips with Seco Jetstream Tooling® and Seco Jetstream Tooling® Duo technologies incorporated into the Seco Modular QC Toolholder. 4
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YOUR CHALLENGE Erratic chip behaviour hinders your unmanned small-part machining operations and causes production stoppages OUR SOLUTION For maximum tool life and highly efficient chip control, Seco Jetstream Tooling® and Seco Jetstream Tooling® Duo technologies built into the Modular QC Toolholder offer direct coolant precisely to the cutting zone YOUR CHALLENGE Tight spacing between tools and limited access in your Swiss-style machine make insert indexing difficult and time consuming. Assembling coolant hoses proves cumbersome in the limited space OUR SOLUTION With the Modular QC Toolholder, you can quickly remove both cutting head and insert as one assembly for fast and easy indexing outside of the machine TURNING YOUR BENEFITS • Repeatability due to tight tolerances on the interface • Secure single lock system makes it easy to use • Predictability tool life with Seco Jetstream Tooling® • Multiple heads fit on a single shank offering versatility • Precision insert positioning due to patented carbide pin pocket design • Productivity increased due to less machine down time between tool changes RANGE OVERVIEWSHANKS • Metric size 1010 mm, 1212 mm & 1616 mm • Inch size 0.375", 0.50" & 0.625" CUTTING HEADS FOR • ISO turning (CC06, CC09, DC07, DC11, VB11) • Threading (16ER & 16EL) • Grooving (LC1902) • Parting off (150.10 blade size 15) INSERTS • TS2050 and CP500 grades with F1, MF2, and AL chipbreaker For more information check out our 2020.1 digital Turning Catalog on Scan the QR code and find out more. 5