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WELCOME TO SECO NEWS SUMMARY 2020.1 Manufacturers in all industries are facing more and more challenges whether it is aerospace, power generation, automotive, medical or general engineering. In many areas from material handling through to meeting challenging delivery lead times and increasing efficiency, plus the challenges from competition grow more aggressive every year. Seco Tools continues to develop innovative tools and solutions that help you save time and money and further improve quality, ensuring total customer satisfaction. With this summary we are proud to introduce to you a selection of some of the most exciting new innovations that will help you stay competitive in your business. Explore our new Double Turbo inserts, with a state of the art roughing geometry. It helps you reduce or even skip your finishing operations while consuming less power and achieving great cost-per-edge savings. Discover our extended range of Jetstream Tooling® Integrated (JETI) that will let you obtain higher tool life and better chip control for all your turning applications whilst machining steel, stainless steels and super alloy materials. The super compact design of JETI is combined with the new Seco Modular Quick Change Toolholder to enable you to AEROSPACE Our team of aerospace industry experts can help you overcome many challenges as you work to create reliable processes and quality products. POWER GENERATION Working with the toughest materials and the tightest tolerances won’t hold back your efficiency with the expertise of Seco Tools on your side. AUTOMOTIVE Control costs and boost output with competitive, cost-effective products that ensure exceptional levels of throughput. GENERAL ENGINEERING Regardless what your resources are, Seco Tools has flexible solutions that keep your high-mix/low-volume production running smoothly. 2

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speed up set-up and indexing during your small part turning operations. Read about these and other innovations from Seco Tools and find the solution to your manufacturing challenges. For more information visit us at MEDICAL Whether you need a partner to drive process optimization in your business or help you develop innovations in new methods and materials. Seco Tools can support you all the way. PRODUCT OVERVIEW MODULAR QC (QUICKCHANGE) TOOLHOLDER FOR SMALL PART MACHINING JETI ISO TOOLHOLDER RANGE EXTENSION SECO CAPTOTM TOOL HOLDERS & CASSETTES FOR ADVANCED MATERIAL NEW MP MILLING GRADES MP1501 AND MP2501 DOUBLE TURBO 16 XP08 ALUMINIUM ROUTER SECO ROUND 10 AND 16 COPY MILLING INSERTS UNIVERSAL DRILLS 8XD AND 12XD 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 COMBIMASTER™ M20 RANGE EXTENSION OF SHELL MILL HOLDERS EASYSHRINK EVO SECO TOOLS FOR SUSTAINABILITY MANUFACTURING TRANSFORMATION 20 22 24 26 28 3
