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FlowCon FN.0.2, FN.0.2-BUS and FN.0.4 1B95080 - 06/2023 Re-Calibration FN.0.2 Re-calibration can be achieved in one of 2 ways: 1. Forced individual actuator re-calibration can also be performed by flipping DIP switch #6 from OFF to ON and back to OFF on the relevant actuator. 2. Forced concurrent re-calibration for all modulating actuators is electrically possible. Within 60 sec. provide the following electrical control signal sequence to the grey wire: 10V-2V-10V-2V- 10V-2V to achieve re-calibration. After re-calibration the actuator will go into normal operation mode. FN.0.2-BUS For FN.0.2-BUS change MSV.1 to 2 (BACnet) or register 138 to 1 (Modbus). After re-calibration the actuator will go into normal operation mode. FN.0.4 Forced individual actuator re-calibration can also be performed by flipping DIP switch #6 from OFF to ON and back to OFF on the relevant actuator. After re-calibration the actuator will go into normal operation mode. This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on Page 6 of 8

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FlowCon FN.0.2, FN.0.2-BUS and FN.0.4 1B95080 - 06/2023 BUS programming of FlowCon FN.0.2-BUS When using FN.0.2-BUS actuator and BUS communication, setting on the Green/GreEQ in- sert MUST BE be 5.0. In this instruction default values are underlined. Please see FlowCon FN.0.2-BUS Modbus Data Point List or BACnet PICS for more detailed in- formation. Initiate by setting Baud Rate (register 105 or MSV.7). Set actuator DIP switches 1-6 to write- able mode, i.e. 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 and set MAC Ad- dress via bus communication (register 104 or AV.28) and proceed by selecting your PICV valve in register 110 or MSV.8: Reg. 110 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MSV.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Selected valve (generic linear) Green.0 Green.1 Green.2 Green.1HF GreEQ.0 GreEQ.1 GreEQ.2 (generic EQ%) user-valve And select your PICV control mode in register 103 or MSV.13: Reg. 103 MSV.13 0 0 1 1 Selected control mode (linear) Equal% Basic Functions with FN.0.2-BUS Set Operating Mode in register 200 or SMV.4.  Control Signal With register 200=0 or MSV.4=1 you control based on Control Signal in register 400 or AV.1 (0% to 100%).  Room Temperature With register 200=6 or MSV.4=7 your control Room Temperature based on actual room tem- perature (register 403 or AV.17) and setpoint (register 300 or AV.18)  Thermal Power With register 200=7 or MSV.4= 8 you control by Thermal Power based on current thermal power (register 410 or AI.16) and setpoint (register 301 or AV.19)  Control Return Water Temperature With register 200=8 or MSV.4=9 you control Re- turn Water Temperature based on current return water temperature (register 405 or AV.5) and setpoint (register 302 or AV.20). Input to Room Temperature and Return Water Temperature can also be provided with sensors connected to the actuator’s port 1 or 2. Activate Flush Mode in register 132 or AV.35 to temporarily setting the valve in fully open position independent of control signal to allow for easy system flushing. In addition, an Anti- Valve Blocking Function is available (regis- ter 136 or AV.10) which will protect the valve from jamming when the valve is inactive for a longer period. Check the Current Flow (not measured) in register 402 or AI.7. NOTE: the minimum diffe- rential pressure must be maintained. Check the Current Thermal Power (not measured) in register 410 or AI.16. Service Commands and re-setting is available in register 138 or MSV.1. This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on Page 7 of 8
