VITENSKAP Ergoterapeuter vil bidra med mer enn formidling av hjelpemidler i arbeidet med personer i livets sluttfase Av Kristine Johnsrød & Line Kildal Bragstad Kristine Johnsrød er ergoterapeut og fag- koordinator for ergo- terapitjenesten i Moss kommune. E-post: kristine.johnsrod@ Line Kildal Bragstad er professor i ergo- terapi ved OsloMet – Storbyuniversitetet, Institutt for rehabili- teringsvitenskap og helseteknologi. Abstract Background : Occupational therapists’ competencies within activity and participation in palliative care are sought to promote quality of life of patients and caregivers. Provision of technical aids is, however, reported by the occupational therapists as their dominant task. Little is known about the service occupational therapists provide in palliative care, and what affects the use of occupational therapy competencies. Aim : To develop a greater understanding of the service occupatio- nal therapists provide in palliative care in a community setting. Method : In this qualitative descriptive study, individual semi-struc tured interviews were conducted with seven occupational therapists working in palliative care in the municipal health service. Interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results : Occupational therapists describe their role within palliative care as providers of technical aids. Although provision of technical aids is important, the informants highlight the occupational therapy profes- sion’s potential to contribute with other tasks. Conclusion : Lack of confidence in their own competencies, colla- borators’ limited knowledge about the profession, and lack of resour- ces may hamper greater involvement in palliative care. Occupational therapists appear to be an unexploited resource, and there is a need to further promote the potential contributions of this profession within palliative care. Keywords : occupational therapy, competence, municipal health care service, palliative care Artikkelen ble mottatt 06.02.2023 og godkjent for publisering 11.12.2023. Det eksisterer ingen interessekonflikter vedrørende denne artikkelen. 30 Ergoterapeuten 3–2024
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