CONTENTS Introduction Towards a sustainable future. 3 Danske Fragtmænd in brief. 4 How we work with sustainability. 5 United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. 5 The past year. 6 What we have supported. 7 Corporate leadership The underrepresented gender. 9 A female sales director in a men's world. 10 An organised workplace. 11 Human rights and anti-corruption. 11 Data ethics and personal data. 11 Corporate culture A safe working environment. 13 We invest in our employees. 13 Well-being and job satisfaction. 14 From customer service representative to team leader in operations. 15 Social responsibility 24 weeks of paid parental leave for mother, father and co-parent. 17 Road safety. 18 Diversity. 18 The workforce of the future. 18 Danske Fragtmænd helped Thomas go back to work. 19 Environment The state of the green transition of the transport industry. 21 How far have we come with our goals. 22 Euro Development. 23 From black to green power. 24 Objectives and projects 2023. 25 Data Prerequisites for statements and the report. 27 Social data. 28 Cumulative effort declaration: The three scopes. 29 Carbon footprint - transport. 30 Carbon footprint - energy. 31 Carbon footprint - waste. 32 2 DANSKE FRAGTMÆND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022

TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE Last year we presented our first climate accounts whose production has been a wonderful experience for Dan- ske Fragtmænd. During this process we have acquired learning and knowledge that have been instrumental in ensuring more focused climate action for the company. Before long, however, we will all have to get used to a new way of reporting our CSR activities, as new EU legislation is on its way. The new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive will require more in-depth reporting than what we have seen so far. Although Danske Fragtmænd will not be subject to the new legislation until the 2025 financial year, we have already chosen to compile a sustainability report with the company’s activities. Achieving our goals will require a great deal of effort, and there is no easy way forward, especially in the climate sector. However, our sustainability report and the results we have achieved in 2022 show that Danske Fragtmænd is standing on solid ground. We have talented and creative employees eager to realise our ambitions. And we are not afraid to step in the deep waters even if we might end up out of our depth. With our first comprehensive sustainability report, we are taking the first steps towards building a more tar- get-oriented and strategic approach to sustainability. We have identified the greatest opportunities and challenges that Danske Fragtmænd faces. We have set the direction for our work, and we are looking forward to seeing what results we can create together. As a responsible company, we have a clear vision of how to run Danske Fragtmænd in a way that shows concern for the environment, our society and our economic sustainability. We have set ambitious goals to reduce our environmental impact, increase our social responsibility and strengthen our financial performance. These goals are essential to our strategy and help ensure that we rise up to our role as a responsible company. Best regards, Jørn P. Skov Chief Executive Officer 3 DANSKE FRAGTMÆND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022
