CONTENTS Introduction Towards a sustainable future. 3 Danske Fragtmænd in brief. 4 How we work with sustainability. 5 United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. 5 The past year. 6 What we have supported. 7 Corporate leadership The underrepresented gender. 9 A female sales director in a men's world. 10 An organised workplace. 11 Human rights and anti-corruption. 11 Data ethics and personal data. 11 Corporate culture A safe working environment. 13 We invest in our employees. 13 Well-being and job satisfaction. 14 From customer service representative to team leader in operations. 15 Social responsibility 24 weeks of paid parental leave for mother, father and co-parent. 17 Road safety. 18 Diversity. 18 The workforce of the future. 18 Danske Fragtmænd helped Thomas go back to work. 19 Environment The state of the green transition of the transport industry. 21 How far have we come with our goals. 22 Euro Development. 23 From black to green power. 24 Objectives and projects 2023. 25 Data Prerequisites for statements and the report. 27 Social data. 28 Cumulative effort declaration: The three scopes. 29 Carbon footprint - transport. 30 Carbon footprint - energy. 31 Carbon footprint - waste. 32 2 DANSKE FRAGTMÆND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2022
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