FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY Our business is founded on the protection of and focus on the environment, society and economy. The criterion for a productive, competitive and effective business is sustainable development within society, and we believe that contributing to that is the only responsible thing to do. In our CSR activities, we focus on the areas in which we have expertise and knowledge. As such, we have focused on measures that are directly relevant to our business and the environment we are a part of. The group takes an active interest in our social and environmental responsibilities at all points of the value chain, based on the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact. We are also inspired by the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are expressed through a range of areas of our business and through specific activities and initiatives. Danish Agro also shares the Danish Agriculture and Food Council’s vision of climate-neutral food products by 2050, which means that the agriculture and food industry will not emit any more greenhouse gases than it absorbs by that time. In close consultation with the Danish Agriculture and Food Council, farmers and food companies in Denmark, we will work together in accordance with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to find a financially-sustainable means of climate-neutral food production. Our trainee programme continues to be a focus area in which we take direct responsibility for our young trainees and give them a good start in agribusiness industry, including giving them skills and sharing our knowledge and experience with them. We do not tolerate any form of corruption in our corporate practices, including blackmail and bribery, and our commercial activities are run in accordance with local, national and international laws and regulations relevant to our business. Furthermore, we trade on the world market in free competition, in accordance with competition law and we ensure that UN trade restrictions are fully respected. We look forward to working with the Global Compact principles in the years to come. In relation to the climate and environment, we generally focus on having the smallest environmental footprint possible. We entered into a climate partnership in 2016 with the Danish energy company Ørsted A/S, an agreement we have continued to work on over the last few years. Consequently, Danish Agro in Denmark committed to reducing its energy consumption over the coming years. With regard to social responsibility, we focus on a personnel policy that cultivates a healthy working environment, education and safety at work. When it comes to our suppliers, we want to conduct a constructive, innovative dialogue based on the principles of human rights and rights within the workplace. That’s why we also focus on health and the working environment and have zero tolerance for forced or child labour. Henning Haahr Group CEO 3
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