ABOUT DANISH AGRO Danish Agro was founded back in 1901 and is now one of the biggest and most important agribusiness groups in northern Europe. The Danish Agro group is an international agriculture group, with 5,000 employees in 16 different countries, primarily in Scandinavia and the Baltic region. Danish Agro is an independent, cooperative-based company, owned by around 9,000 Danish farmers. The group is a member of DAKOFO, the trade organisation for grain and feedstuff trading in Denmark, and the Danish Agriculture and Food Council trade association, also in Denmark. The group primarily works with the sale of feed mixes, ingredients and vitamin mixes, fertiliser, plant protection, seeds and energy in addition to the purchase of crops from farms. Furthermore, the group represents a number of strong machinery brands for agriculture and runs an extensive chain of hobby and leisure retail outlets. This report deals with a number of policies, all adopted by the entire Danish Agro group and thus applicable to all underlying subsidiaries. The report is the Danish Agro group’s fifth Communication on Progress report and is the group’s mandatory report on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as per Section 99ab of the Danish Financial Statements Act for the 2019 accounting year. 2
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