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ESG OVERVIEW ESG TARGETS For us, market leadership is also about taking responsibility for important agendas such as sustainability, diversity and inclusion. This approach has resulted in six concrete targets in the areas of CO 2 reduction, procurement of verified deforestation-free soy, reduction of the number of work-related accidents and an increase in the proportion of women in management positions. In connection with the implementation of the CSRD, the number of ESG metrics will be increased. CO 2 REDUCTION In 2023, the DLG Group’s total greenhouse gas emissions for scope 1 and scope 2 were 173,605 tCO 2 e. This is a re- duction of 6 % compared to 2022, bringing the group one step closer to our SBTi-validated interim target of a 30 % reduction in CO 2 emissions by 2025 and a 50 % reduction by 2030 compared to 2019. With the reduction in 2023, scope 1 and 2 emissions have fallen by 10 % since 2019. The Food business area, which accounts for the largest share of emissions, reduced CO 2 e emissions by 7 %, while the Energy and Housing business areas reduced emissions by 30 %. We still expect to reach our 2025 targets, among other things through the transition to renewable power. The reduction in 2023 is primarily attributable to lower consumption of electricity, heating oil and diesel compared to the previous year. On the other hand, natural gas consumption increased, as this year’s harvest was wetter than last year, which is why there has been a greater need for drying and transporting grain to the dryers. In 2023, we recalculated our scope 3 emissions, which are up 10 % from our 2019 baseline. The largest category ‘Purchased goods and services’ increased by 10 %, while the second-largest category ‘Consumption of products sold’ increased by 15 %. We have set a target of a 30 % reduction in scope 3 emissions by 2030, which has been validated by SBTi. We still expect to achieve this target, among other things by offering more low-emission products. VERIFIED DEFORESTATION-FREE SOY Soybean meal is the DLG Group’s single biggest raw material import. In 2023, we purchased around 1 million tonnes of soy, of which 685,537 tonnes were verified deforestation-free in accordance with the guidelines of the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC). This equates to 66 %, which means we are ahead of our target of 60 % verified soy by 2023. This is an important milestone on the road to our 100-% target for 2025. By then, all soy we buy must be responsibly produced and deforestation-free. Therefore, we will increase the amount of imported verified and deforestation-free soy by 20 percentage points every year until we have achieved our target of 100 % in 2025. DLG is also working to establish local partnerships in South America to improve traceability in the soy value chain and increase transparency in the supply chain. WORK-RELATED ACCIDENTS In 2023, there were 171 work-related accidents in the DLG Group compared to 194 in 2022, corresponding to a reduction of 12 %. Across the group, there has been a greater focus on safety, for example in our communication, in last year’s annual report, on our intranet, in staff magazines and in communications from our management, among other things. In addition, at our Group Managers Meeting, managers have discussed initiatives to reduce the number of work accidents, and it has been a priority topic for our Executive Committee. We also had a continued strong focus on protective equipment, training employees in standard procedures for workplace safety and the use of web-based safety systems to record accidents, near accidents as well as ongoing follow-ups at group level. The focus on safety continues in 2024 through the ‘Safe habits @ work’ campaign, among other things. 2025 100 % VERIFIED DEFORESTATION- FREE SOY 2025 25 % FEWER WORK- RELATED ACCIDENTS 2025 30 % CO 2 - REDUCTION * 2030 50 % CO 2 - REDUCTION * 2030 30 % WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP POSITIONS 2050 DLG GROUP’S ACTIVITIES ARE CLIMATE NEUTRAL * compared to 2019 25 Creating the Future – Strong results – Our customers’ preferred partner – Creating value through sustainable solutions – Success through commitment and leadership – Consolidated financial statements
