Side 22

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS DKK million INCOME STATEMENT Gross revenue Revenue Gross profit Operating profit before depreciation etc. (EBITDA) Operating profit (EBIT) excl. special items Operating profit (EBIT) Financial income and costs Profit before tax (EBT) Profit after tax (EAT) Profit after minority interests BALANCE SHEET Total assets Group equity Net interest-bearing debt (NIBD) Net working capital (NWC) Investments in property, plant and equipment CASH FLOW STATEMENT Cash flow from operating activities Cash flow from investing activities Cash flow from financing activities RATIOS Gross margin, % EBITDA margin, % EBIT margin (before special items), % EBIT margin, % Group solvency ratio, % Group return on equity, % Gearing ROCE (before special items), % Return on share capital, % 2023 67,381 62,443 6,304 2,725 1,602 1,602 -583 1,019 760 526 2022 80,023 74,875 6,454 3,037 1,728 1,612 -308 1,304 1,074 839 2021 59,010 54,551 5,500 2,267 1,325 1,194 -292 902 733 576 2020 51,327 47,176 5,140 2,002 1,071 1,071 -294 783 601 437 26,597 8,575 10,162 5,226 941 27,729 8,248 9,139 4,895 638 27,062 7,339 8,621 4,312 625 22,950 6,471 8,271 3,619 629 343 -1,530 1,085 1,024 -790 -256 635 -1,148 736 971 -513 -557 10.1 8.6 10.1 10.9 4.4 4.1 4.2 4.2 2.6 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.6 2.2 2.2 2.3 32.2 29.7 27.1 28.2 9.0 13.8 10.6 9.6 3.7 3.0 3.8 4.1 8.4 9.3 7.7 6.6 11.6 17.1 12.8 10.7 22 DLG ANNUAL REPORT 2023 2019 50,028 45,829 4,653 1,919 1,074 839 -329 517 350 351 22,066 6,065 8,537 3,796 571 1,648 -549 -1,021 10.2 4.2 2.3 1.8 27.5 6.0 4.4 7.2 9.0

Side 23

ENVIRONMENT Scope 1 emissions Scope 2 emissions (market-based) Total scope 1 and scope 2 Scope 3 emissions Total scope 1, 2 and 3 (market-based) Scope 2 emissions (location-based) Total scope 1, 2 and 3 (location-based) Proportion of soy imports verified as deforestation-free Unit tCO 2 e tCO 2 e tCO 2 e tCO 2 e tCO 2 e tCO 2 e tCO 2 e % 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 102,305 71,300 32,462 19,015,654 173,605 19,189,259 19,150,420 108,486 75,677 39,324 - 184,163 - - 130,051 86,044 31,732 - 216,095 - - 117,407 74,008 49,519 - 191,415 - - 117,444 74,977 51,591 17,239,033 192,421 17,431,421 19,189,259 66 % 40 % 15 % - - SOCIAL – CSR Full-time employees (FTEs) Gender diversity for all employees Gender diversity in management positions Gender diversity among salaried employees Gender diversity in senior management **** Lost-time injury frequency rate Engagement score No. of work-related accidents resulting in at least one day of absence Number Proportion of women * Proportion of women * Proportion of women * Proportion of women *** LTIFR Index 1-100 Number 6,981 29 % 22 % 42 % 39 % 77 14.3 171 6,700 27 % 20 % 42 % 22 % 77 16.7 194 6,620 28 % 17 % 42 % 26 % 74 - 188 6,576 28 % - 42 % - - - 172 6,403 - - - - - - 114** GOVERNANCE – RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT Proportion Gender diversity on the Board of Directors of women * 27 % 27 % 30 % 27 % 0 % * Data covers 80 % of the group’s business. ** Excluding Danæg. *** The Executive Board and employees with staff responsibility reporting directly to the Executive Board. Please refer to page 27 for a definition of financial highlights and ESG figures. 23 Creating the Future – Strong results – Our customers’ preferred partner – Creating value through sustainable solutions – Success through commitment and leadership – Consolidated financial statements
