NMeocuenssatirny g Requirements r syes ned i det hæklede, under B. Tråden føres ind under bagst gstopperen E s ye fi s re in s Y id ar e n r, P s r o oj m ect e s t (0 g - i 3 tt y e e r a . rs) og 2 gange stramt rundt om Compliance With Safety Standards: Our guide ensures that your homemade yarn projects meet the same tensile strength requirements as purchased toys. This is particularly important in yarn products, where variations in material and technique can affect the retention of the eyes. Challenges With Yarn Materials: Different yarns - some thick and elastic, some loosely crocheted or knitted - pose different demands on the assembly. Therefore, a thorough and specialized mounting process is necessary to ensure that the eyes are firmly and securely attached. Continuous Safety: Always remember to check your projects regularly - be
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