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E-LEARNING PLATFORM E-learning Course Creator VIKING is a true innovator when it comes to online e-learning solutions for maritime safety training. Our VIKING Safety Academy 24/7 training platform is the only system of its kind that enables you to design and create your own company-specific integrated training courses for a wide range of competence training. Cost saving benefits Struggling with the costs and scheduling delays of traditional land-based training? VIKING Safety Academy’s online training management solution ensures flexibility as well as cost efficiency while avoiding delays and exposure to liability. Easy and steady synchronization This highly customizable system is accessible both online, when the vessel is connected, and offline when the connection is weak or non-existing, which makes training easier and more convenient for the crew. With bandwidth severely limited at sea, our onboard training solution features an optimized sea-to-land/land-to-sea data transfer engine that won’t interfere with the bandwidth required to run other, operation-critical systems. Design your own unique training program n Create onboard training that address almost any skills requirement n Choose from a set of proven templates, layouts and navigation elements - or request new templates for special applications n Upload a wide variety of media to support training n Include company-specific equipment for greater relevance n Design e-learning and practical exercises for effective and educational training n Maintain a consistent structure to enable easy administration and a consistent user experience n Revert to older versions of your course, enabling you to safely experiment with new training styles and content n Seamlessly integrate each new course with your existing course portfolio (same interface, same tracking, measuring and reporting processes) n Manage your crew, assign training, log results and certificates n Follow the progress of individual crew members and vessels from land or sea 5