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EVACUATION SYSTEMS Offshore Training - Customized chute systems VIKING offers a wide range of chute based evacuation systems, designed to suit various types of offshore installations (floating or fixed), environments and capacity. The fire retardant evacuation chute provides a simple, safe and fast method of transferring evacuees from deck levels down to sea level. It is divided into cells with speed retarding slides running at opposing angles in a zigzag effect. Openings on each cell located behind the slides, provide easy entry and exit at any point on the chute. The design of the chute enables evacuees to wear lifejackets, survival suits, and breathing apparatus during descent. For training purposes, the chute systems can be installed both indoor or outdoor and customized to match your training facilities. n Same chute concept as for offshore installations for realistic training n An aluminum plate interface at the top of the chute provides access for crew training n Boarding platform of durable, hard plastic, not requiring inflation to reduce maintenance n Netting in the chute consists of nylon instead of Kevlar and double material is used on the angles in the chute for higher durability 10
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