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Table of content CEO introduction 3 OUR BUSINESS MODEL 4 A continued commitment to sustainability 6 Our supply chain 7 Key figures 8 Data and transparency 10 ENVIRONMENT 12 Energy and water 14 Reducing substances of concern 15 Minimising resource outflows in fire protection16 Optimising our Marine Evacuation Systems 17 Sustainable product innovation 19 Our scope 1,2,3 20 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 22 Global footprint, global responsibility 24 Strengthening our Training Academy 27 A structured approach to performance management28 Diversity in all its forms 29 Health and safety 30 GOVERNANCE 32 Safeguarding our corporate culture 35 Labour practices and human rights 35 Management of relationships with suppliers 36 Prevention of corruption and bribery 37 DOUBLE MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT (DMA) 38 SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE 42 About VIKING 44 Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the objectives, activities and results that have helped VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S live up to our global social responsibility in 2024. In accordance with the United Nations Global Compact Principles, the report follows the ESG structure (Environment, Social and Governance) and constitutes VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S’s statutory statement of social responsibility for the fiscal year 2024, in compliance with the Danish Financial Statements Act, section 99a, 99b et al. The report is included as part of the management’s statement in the company’s annual report for 2024. When the report mentions VIKING, it refers to VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S.
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3 CEO introduction T hroughout 2024, the global ESG agenda continued to gain increased momentum. This was also the case in VIKING where ESG is one of the strategic pillars in our newly launched business plan, called BP28. 2024, however, was also a year where we saw the global instability increase, driven by geopolitical tensions and the negative effects of climate change, which affect communities all over the planet. These developments prompted us to increase our focus on fostering environmental improvements whilst being responsive to both our employees and society. Our strong governance continues to be our most effective tool for ensuring high ethical standards in all our activities. To protect and save human lives all over the world is still at the heart of VIKING’s business, and we see the ESG agenda as a natural extension of that mission. Our ESG strategy continues to be long-term, structural and data-driven, allowing us to priorities initiatives and track progress. We do this without ever compromising on the quality of our products and services. In 2024, we could once again demonstrate measurable progress, from launching new lifecycle assessments to aligning with forthcoming CSRD regulation. With this report, we want to show not only how we work with the ESG agenda from an improvement perspective, but also how we continuously align with both regulatory requirements and the expectations of our valued customers and stakeholders. Enjoy the reading. Sincerely Yours Henrik Helsinghof CEO VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S