EU-OVERENSSTEMMELSESERKLÆRING EC-DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY VIKING LIFE-SAVING EQUIPMENT A/S, Sædding Ringvej 13, DK-6710 Esbjerg V erklærer hermed, at nedennævnte nye PV declares that the new PPE described hereafter Brandbukser / PS1050 - Firefighter trousers / PS1050 er i overensstemmelse med direktiv 89/686/EØF og i givet fald med den nationale standard, der gennemfører den harmoniserede standard nr.: is in conformity with the provisions of Council Directive 89/686/EEC and, where such is the case, with the national standard transposing harmonized standard no: EN 469:2005+A1:2006 EN ISO 13688:2013 EN 1149-5:2008 protective clothing for firefighters protective clothing – general requirements protective clothing – electrostatic properties er identisk med det PV, for hvilket der er udstedt EU-typeafprøvningsattest nr.: is identical to the PPE which is the subject of EC certificate of conformity no: 045/2016/0181.04 Udstedt af: Issued by: Centexbel-Gent (NB 0493) Technologiepark 7 B-9052 Zwijnaarde har været underkastet den procedure, der er omhandlet i artikel 11, litra B i direktiv 89/686/EØF, under kontrol af det udpegede organ Is subject to the procedure set out in Article 11 point B of Directive 89/686/EEC under the supervision of notified body FORCE Certification A/S (NB 0200) Park Allé 345 DK-2605 Brøndby Esbjerg, Denmark – 21 July 2017 Dorthe Tørngren la Cour PPE Fire Engineering Manager