Order Information Suit / Coat / Pants Complete Suit Coat Pants Fabric Edition 3 steners Outer Shell Accessories on front Optional on both left and right side Light strap w/ pant hook Light strap w/ mic clip Sigma Twill Tan Black Dark navy blue Color options Single color Duo color Page 3/5 Moisture Barrier Black/tan CROSSTECH ® S/R Trim Styles Trim Color Trim color and size 2"Triple trim, yellow w/silver Trim Styles - Coat Trim placement New York New York trim 2"Triple trim, red w/silver Trim Styles - Pants New York / NFPA Basic (Included in base price) Type of reflective trim 3M trim, Flame resist. Comfort Trim 3M ™ FR Comfort trim Lettering Color Size Lines Department tag (color: Yellow, red or silver) None A 2” 1 line, straight (17letters) 2 lines, straight (33 letters, 17 on top line and 16 on bottom line) 1 line, arched 16 letters) 2 lines, arched (33 letters, 17 on top line and 16 on bottom line) AA 3” 1 line, straight 11 letters) 2 lines, straight (21 letters, 10 on top line and 11 on bottom line) 1 line, arched (10 letters) 2 lines, straight (20 letters, 11 on top line and 9 on bottom line) Name tag sewn on (color: Yellow, red or silver) None A 2” 1 line, straight (17 letters) A A 3” 1 line, straight (11 letters) Name tag detachable (color: Yellow, red or silver) None A 2” 1 line, straight (17 letters) A A 3” 1 line, straight (11 letters) – Placement PS1200 Department tag Edition 3 PS1200 N D a e m pa e rt t m ag ent tag, letter color Edition 3 The letter color is decided from which trim color is choosen Possible letter color is: Yellow letters - Red letters Optional department tag 1 line straight DEPARTMENT 2” letters max 14 pcs 3” letters max 9 pcs Page 4 1 line arched 2” letters max 16 pcs 3” letters max 9 pcs 2 lines both straight 2 lines, top arched, buttom straigth DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT 2” letters max 27 pcs (14 on top/13 on bottom) 3” letters max 16 pcs (7 on top/9 on bottom) 3” top row/2” bottom row max 20 pcs (7 on top/13 on bottom) DEPARTM P E ag N e 2” letters max 27 pcs (14 on top/13 on bottom) 3” letters max 17 pcs (8 on top/9 on bottom) 3” top row/2” bottom row max (8 on top/13 on bottom) FIRE FIGHTER Optional name tag Sewn on tag Detachable tag Name tag, letter type 2", all letters - max 14 pcs 3”, all letters - max 10 pcs
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