Contents INTRODUCTION 3 OUR BUSINESS MODEL 4 Our continued commitment to sustainability 6 Assessment of materiality 7 Steering our global organisation towards sustainability 7 ENVIRONMENT 8 Data creates transparency 11 Sustainable product innovation 11 Major milestones in our PPE product range 12 CO2 re-use during maintenance of fixed fire extinguishing systems 14 Improving our production sites 16 Modernising our production facilities in Norway18 Re-thinking transportation 19 Building even more global awareness 21 Our journey towards transparency in Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions 22 An unwavering commitment 25 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 26 Global world, global responsibility 28 Diversity 30 Global awareness creates local commitment 32 Our training mission continues 34 Ambulance boats 36 Safe working environment 38 GOVERNANCE 40 Navigating uncertainty 42 Our Compliance Management 43 Strategic partnerships 44 Ahead of regulation 45 GOALS AND RESULTS 46 About VIKING 48 Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the objectives, activities and results that have helped VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S live up to our global social responsibility in 2023. In accordance with the United Nations Global Compact Principles, the report follows the ESG structure (Environment, Social and Governance) and constitutes VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S’s statutory statement of social responsibility for the fiscal year 2023, in compliance with the Danish Financial Statements Act, section 99a, 99b et al. The report is included as part of the management’s statement in the company’s annual report for 2023. When the report mentions VIKING, it refers to VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S. The sus

3 INTRODUCTION stainability agenda is here to stay E nvironment, Social responsibility and Governance. Those are the three ESG pillars that are not only changing VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S, but also the world around us in a positive direction. Everywhere, our suppliers, our customers and our global transportation partners are increasingly engaging with us to promote the sustainability agenda. It is now close to three years since we made the important decision at VIKING to systematically integrate sustainability into all our processes and major decisions. Since then, we have taken leaps forward as a company towards creating data transparency, implementing standardized processes, and expanding our uniform global quality framework, continuing our continuous improvement journey anchored in One Global Standard. 2023 was no exception, and I want to thank our entire global VIKING organisation for working tirelessly with the ESG pillars, helping us to stay at the forefront of sustainable innovation. Finally, I’m proud to see our organisation constantly raise the bar when it comes to creating the workplace of the future: from investing in green energy solutions to re-thinking global transportation, improving workers’ safety, collaborating with international authorities, and supporting fragile local communities. All this is done while we maintain our unwavering dedication to safety, responsibility and quality, and driving the ESG improvements goes hand in hand with our mission of protecting and saving lives all over the world. Enjoy our 2023 sustainability report. Tim Engell Pedersen Vice President VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S
