WHEN YOUR SALES NEED TO BE LIFTED OPTIMAL PRESENTATION OF YOUR GOODS IS NO LONGER A FAIRY TALE TREASURE ISLAND, BUT NOW A REAL “RIGA ISLAND” IN YOUR STORE If you want to utilize the area in your store optimally, it will often be a good idea to look at areas in the store where you can utilize the flexibility of our Plug-In solutions. One area is suitable for wine sales, another for fruit, vege- tables and berries in high season or perhaps cool drinks when the summer heat hits. In these areas, you have the opportunity to create additional reve- nue with goods that appeal to customers’ spontaneously emerging needs. Vibocold’s comprehensive program in plug-in furniture, such as flexible and spacious Riga convenience coolers that can be assembled into additional sa- les-creating island layouts - or our new Oslo desk lines and display cases that give you every opportunity to establish exactly the solution that suits both your business interior and your customers’ expectations of your offer. Let us help you to find the perfect and flexible solution for optimizing sales in your store area. Additional sales are no longer a ”treasure island” in a fairy tale, but a ”Riga island” or Oslo line in your store. Doors (extra for Riga 90 and 120) Magnetic night curtain in Riga Front panel can be opened in Oslo LED lights at the top and above shelves 2
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