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Velkommen til Vibocold
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Tlf.: 8750 3447
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VIBOCOLD ICE CREAM CONCEPT WHAT IS YOUR ICE CREAM FOCUS? VIBOCOLD OFFER A STRONG CONCEPT FOR SOFT ICE Gel Matic – soft ice machines For over 40 years, the Italian company Gel Matic has only been producing one thing – soft ice machines. The technology in the machines ensures a high level of pro- duction capacity and a quality that is acknowledged and recognised the world over. Vibocold has put together an attractive range of Gel Matic machines and accessories for soft ice production as well as equipment for scoop ice cream production that meet business needs at every level. We provide both operated and self-service machines. Gel Matic is Italian design at its best. The product design of their new Giotto soft ice machine is reminiscent of a Ferrari. Since 1972, the Italian manufacturer has been market leader at supplying equipment for the production of soft ice, frozen yoghurt, frozen pastry desserts and milkshakes etc. / 3