CONTENT 08 FOSSIL-FREE FUTURE Why LNG fuel is a stepping-stone to sustainability. A MAGAZINE FROM TRELLEBORG GROUP 3.2022 Solutions that seal, damp and protect critical applications. P LS L AT U RAGR S TEUCPOSMJPOAINNIFEOSRACNEDS WTOAVOECHEEALNLPOOWER LNG: A STEP TOWARDS SU STAIN ABILIT Y THEFMOARGMICULA How Confor Foam improves F1 safety 15 INFLATABLE SECURITY Trelleborg’s engineers, volunteer firefighters as well, help develop life-saving lifting bags. 15 EDITORIAL SAVING LIVES Safety and sustainability are two things that are fundamental to the majority of Trelleborg’s solutions, and in this issue of T-Time , they are in focus as usual. Many of you may be avid followers of F1. After a legacy of serious accidents, it now boasts a good safety record, helped in part by our Confor Foam. As challenging as r acing is, so is the firefighting environment. We meet firefighters who are behind the development of a lifesaving piece of equipment. Protecting the Essential is a part of every- thing we do. We’re highlighting how we protect the well-being of people and the tiny moldings that are advancing m edical devices. Sustainable energy is a much discussed topic. In this T-Time you can find out about 20 20 OCEANS OF POWER Waveswing technology harnesses the ocean’s energy. 27 CARBON-FREE CHEERS Craft brewery cuts emissions with new sealing solution. membranes we are supplying to a leading- edge wave power project, and how we support the LNG industry; it’s a greener fossil fuel that’s seen as a key transition energy source until renewables can fulfil all our needs. On a lighter side, we visit Kim Dalum who is making beer brewing more sustainable and helping create carbon neutral breweries. Enjoy your reading! Peter Nilsson, President and ceo Cover photo: Lars Baron/Getty Images The next issue of T-Time will be released in March, 2023. Responsible under Swedish Press Law: Patrik Romberg, Editor-in-Chief: Karin Larsson, Co-Editor: Donna Guinivan Production: Appelberg Publishing Project Manager: Cajsa Högberg Language Coordinator: Kerstin Stenberg Art Directors: Tom Barette and Markus Ljungblom Subscription: Get a notification when there is a new issue available by subscribing to the Trelleborg Group’s press releases: subscribe Address: Trelleborg AB (publ) Box 153, SE-231 22 Trelleborg, Sweden Tel: +46 (0)410-670 00 Fax: +46 (0)410-427 63 T-Time is published three times a year. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author or people interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the views of Trelleborg. If you have any questions about Trelleborg or wish to send us your comments about T-Time , please email: trelleborggroup Trelleborg is a world leader in engineered polymer solutions that seal, damp and protect critical applications in demand- ing environments. Its innovative solutions accelerate perfor- mance for customers in a sus- tainable way. The Trelleborg Group has annual sales of about SEK 34 billion (EUR 3.34 billion, USD 3.95 billion) and opera- tions in about 50 countries. The Trelleborg share has been listed on the Stock Exchange since 1964 and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. PHOTO: GALLERYSTOCK
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