CONTENT 08 FRICTION CONTROL A new sealing solution that is like squaring a circle is the result of the efforts of Bernhard Haass and his team. A MAGAZINE FROM TRELLEBORG GROUP 2.2021 Solutions that seal, damp and protect critical applications. PLUS FRESH FROM THE BOTTLE THE NEW DIGITAL LANDSCAPE SMART PORT SOLUTIONS Gentle on the ground Tires offering high performance and soil protection. 15 DIGITAL PRESENCE In 2020, the pandemic turned the status quo in many areas upside down. But Trelleborg was prepared for the digital challenge. 08 20 PROTECTING THE SOIL Discover why a farmer in the beautiful Italian countryside chooses Trelleborg tires to be gentle on the land. 20 29 UP TO THE CHALLENGE A new high-performance plasterboard forming belt is proving that it can meet the strict specifications of the gypsum industry. EDITORIAL INNOVATION IS KEY TO OUR GROWTH At Trelleborg , we put a lot of effort into making it easy to do business with us. We want to use technology to streamline and simplify our external offerings, with the ultimate aim of providing our customers a simpler and better solution. This includes smart and intelligent products, communication with our customers, and new business models or sales approaches. In this issue of T-Time, I am happy to present a couple of our initiatives. To prevent aroma carryover from one beverage to another, we have created new software for the bottling industry that shows which seal compound is the best match for different beverages. And as more of our lives go online, webinars have become one of the biggest new go-to points as ways of meeting and sharing ideas with our customers. Peter Nilsson, President and ceo Cover photo: Trelleborg The next issue of T-Time will be released in October, 2021. Responsible under Swedish Press Law: Patrik Romberg, Editor-in-Chief: Karin Larsson, Co-Editor: Donna Guinivan Production: Appelberg Publishing Project Manager: Erik Aronsson Language Coordinator: Kerstin Stenberg Art Director: Frida Diaz and Tom Barette Printing: Trydells Tryckeri Subscription: subscribe Address: Trelleborg AB (publ) Box 153, SE-231 22 Trelleborg, Sweden Tel: +46 (0)410-670 00 Fax: +46 (0)410-427 63 T-Time is published three times a year. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author or people ­interviewed and do not ­necessarily reflect the views of Trelleborg. If you have any ­questions about Trelleborg or wish to send us your comments about T-Time , please email: trelleborggroup Trelleborg is a world leader in engineered polymer solutions that seal, damp and protect ­critical applications in demand- ing environments. Its innovative solutions accelerate perfor- mance for customers in a sus- tainable way. The Trelleborg Group has annual sales of about SEK 33 billion (EUR 3.13 billion, USD 3.57 billion) and opera- tions in about 50 countries. The Group comprises three business areas: Trelleborg Industrial Solutions, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions and Trelleborg Wheel Systems. The Trelleborg share has been listed on the Stock Exchange since 1964 and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK 2 | 2.2021 T·TIME

EDGE AROMA CA E R D R G Y E OV X E X R X Passing the taste test Our growing taste for flavored beverages is a challenge for the bottling industry. To tackle the issue of aroma carryover from one drink to another, Trelleborg partnered with filling specialist Krones. Part of the successful outcome is a completely new aroma-resistant sealing material. TEXT SUSANNA LINDGREN PHOTO SHUTTERSTOCK & KRONES W W W.T R E L L E B O R G . C O M T·TIME 2.2021 | 3
