CONTENT 06 A STEADY FLOW Water management is what motivates Julian West. A MAGAZINE FROM TRELLEBORG GROUP 1.2021 Solutions that seal, damp and protect critical applications. PLUS KEEPING WATER FRESH NET VALUE FOR THE OCEANS LIQUID SILICONE RUBBER TO THE RESCUE Reaching for the stars The largest optical telescope ever built is a stargazer’s dream. 15 BUILT FOR ALL WEATHERS Trelleborg’s new EMR1025 tire is a perfect choice all year round. 248 24 IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE? The largest optical telescope ever built will start scanning the heavens in 2025. 15 28 FLUID POWER FOR THE FUTURE The fluid power industry is growing but there is still the need for direction. EDITORIAL PROTECTING THE ESSENTIAL The climate issue is high on the agenda for Trelleborg and, in this regard, we have spent time identifying effective ways forward. In February 2021, we announced our new climate strategy which addresses the 1.5°C target for society. The new climate target is called “50 by 25”. In short, we aim to reduce direct and indirect co2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 50 percent related to sales by 2025. Furthermore, our climate vision is to eliminate all emissions from our own operations completely by 2035 — and to continue significant reductions of indirect greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions along the value chain, (Scope 3). In this issue of T-Time you can read about how Trelleborg’s solutions contribute to sustainable development, from space to seabed. Our seals are used in an extremely large telescope and our engineered coated fabrics help to retrieve abandoned ghost nets from the sea. Peter Nilsson, President and ceo Cover photo: Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) The next issue of T-Time will be released in June, 2021. Responsible under Swedish Press Law: Patrik Romberg, Editor-in-Chief: Karin Larsson, Co-Editor: Donna Guinivan Production: Appelberg Publishing Project Manager: Erik Aronsson Language Coordinator: Kerstin Stenberg Art Directors: Frida Diaz and Tom Barette Printing: Trydells Tryckeri Subscription: subscription--service Address: Trelleborg AB (publ) Box 153, SE-231 22 Trelleborg, Sweden Tel: +46 (0)410-670 00 Fax: +46 (0)410-427 63 T-Time is published three times a year. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author or people interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the views of Trelleborg. If you have any questions about Trelleborg or wish to send us your comments about T-Time, please email: trelleborggroup Trelleborg is a world leader in engineered polymer solutions that seal, damp and protect critical applications in demanding environments. Its innovative solutions accelerate performance for customers in a sustainable way. The Trelleborg Group has annual sales of about SEK 33 billion (EUR 3.13 billion, USD 3.57 billion) and operations in about 50 countries. The Group comprises three business areas: Trelleborg Industrial Solutions, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions and Trelleborg Wheel Systems, and a reporting segment, Businesses Under Development. The Trelleborg share has been listed on the Stock Exchange since 1964 and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. 2 | 1.2021 T·TIME
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