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EMPLOYER | BRANDING Why do we work at Trelleborg? Group HR encourages us to communicate about, and live, the Trelleborg brand. TEXT MARGARETA MILDSOMMAR An employer brand is like the soul of a com- pany,”says Anna Karin Svennberg, Group Talent Mana- gement Director within Group HR. “With our Trelleborg employer branding work we want to tell an authentic and compelling story about what it is like to work for Trelleborg, as well as to clarify and reinforce a common image of our company.” Internal and external value Working with the employer brand is important both internally and Anna Karin Svennberg, Group Talent Management Director externally; internally, it supports employee engagement. “When we have a strong sense of enga- gement and company belonging, it will naturally have a positive outcome on how we perform,” says Anna Karin. “Externally, we want to be seen as an appealing employer. Here employer branding is key to our future recruitment, so we can ensure that we attract the right talents. We want poten- tial employees to know why they should choose Trelleborg.” Shaping Industry from the Inside At the core of Trelleborg’s employer branding work is the employer value proposition, the EVP. This consists of the statement ‘Shap- ing Industry from the Inside” and four supporting messages: “Drive global innovation,” “Where talents grow,” “Make a difference,” and “Have an impact.” “Our employer value proposition is like our emblem, it is our pro- mise as an employer,” says Anna Karin. “This is how we view oursel- ves as a company and we succeed when employees feel that they have a connection to our employ- er value proposition, no matter where they are in our organization or in the world. We encourage our employees to develop in their roles and aspire that our people feel part of an innovative company, one that makes a difference and where they can make an impact.” Tell our stories “Our employer brand comes to life when our people tell the story of what it is like to work for Trelleborg and when these stories have a common thread, in different chan- nels, internally and externally,” she explains. “As we continue to ex- plore our employer value proposi- tion, I foresee we will create more such employee stories, which will continue to support us all in being great Trelleborg ambassadors.” Trelleborg’s employer value proposition consists of the statement ‘Shaping Industry from the Inside,’ and these four supporting messages: • Drive Global Innovation • Where Talents Grow • Make a Difference • Have an Impact You can read more on the Group HR pages on T-Talk, our intranet. + “Our employer value proposition is like our emblem, it is our promise as an employer.” 8 | connect Nr 1 2022
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Q& Q A & | A WITH PETER NILSSON NEW HORIZONS FOR TRELLEBORG Peter Nilsson, President & CEO, talks about the divestment of business area Trelleborg Wheel Systems. TEXT MARGARETA MILDSOMMAR What will the divestment of Trelleborg Wheel Systems mean for Trelleborg, and what will the Group look like going forward? The divestment is creating new oppor- tunities for us. Our ambition is to keep growing Trelleborg into the world’s foremost engineered polymer solutions company in our selected industries, such as healthcare & medical, auto- mation and aerospace, as well as in several specialty industrial segments and applications. The Trelleborg Group, post-divest- ment, will consist of two strong and well-positioned business areas; Trelleborg Industrial Solutions and Trelleborg Sealing Solutions. Our new geographical market split for sales will be around 50 percent in Europe, 25 percent in North America and 25 per- cent in Asia and the rest of the world, with Trelleborg Sealing Solutions being slightly bigger than Trelleborg Industrial Solutions. We will continue to invest in our business areas, and we have a large acquisition pipeline in place to add new businesses to our already strong positions. Acquisitions will remain a core feature of Trelleborg’s strategy, and we will continue to acquire com- panies where opportunities exist to further enhance our businesses. One such example is the recent acquisition of US-based EirMed, LLC, which is a good fit to our growing Healthcare & Medical portfolio. Why was Trelleborg Wheel Systems divested? I am proud to say that we have built a strong Trelleborg Wheel Systems over the preceding years, and I want to give all credit to our fantastic colleagues in the business area. We have invested significantly making our tire operation best-in-class. It has doubled in size and substantially increased its profitability and efficiency over the last few years. What we are divesting is a strong and profitable part of Trelleborg and the high valuation is a reflection of its strength and excellent position within its industry. Having said the above, it is my belief that Trelleborg Wheel Systems is a strong addition to the right owner who can make use of the synergies. It is my firm belief that Yokohama Rubber Company Ltd is such an owner, given its experience from the off-highway tire business and the complementary pro- duct offering Trelleborg Wheel Systems will add to their portfolio. What happens now? The short answer is that it is business as usual until the transaction is closed. There are still several issues that need to be addressed before the deal is finalized, as always in sizeable trans- actions like this, and Trelleborg Wheel Systems still remain as an important part of Trelleborg until everything is in place. The Group and other parts of Trelle- borg will continue to support Trelleborg Wheel Systems in the best possible way, we still own the business and we want Trelleborg Wheel Systems to continue to develop. Trelleborg Wheel Systems will continue to supply the same high quality of products and solutions and level of service to its customers it always has done. There are still many issues that need to be sorted, legally, financially, and practically, as part of the separation. Nr 1 2022 connect | 9