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OUR | SUSTAINABILITY Hello Sustainability Controllers Connect asked Trelleborg’s three recently appointed Sustainability Controllers within each business area to give a short introduction to themselves, and their roles. TEXT MARGARETA MILDSOMMAR 1. What background do you bring to your role as Sustainability Controller? 2. What is your main focus and tasks within your business area related to sustainability? 3. What are you most proud of so far, looking back at the sustainability journey within your business area? Sarah Beckers, Sustainability Controller, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions 1 I’m part of the Information Systems & Processes Team at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions. With my passion for organiza- tion, structures and plans, I’ve been an active part of the Project Management Office, where we support software imple- mentation projects from beginning to end. 2 My main focus is on maintaining and tracking the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions sustainability action plan while taking care of internal communication and alignments, such as steering committee meetings or workshops with our Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Sustainability Ambassadors. 3 The momentum we created, the raised awareness across the organization and the great collaboration with many colleagues that are eager to participate in our sustai- nability journey. This quote by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, former associate justice of the Supreme Court of the US sums it up well: “Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” Maciej Wojtaszak, Manufacturing Excellence Manager and Sustainability Controller, Trelleborg Wheel Systems 1 In my current role, I am responsible for Manufacturing Excellence within Trelleborg Wheels Systems and as the Lean Six Sigma practitioner, I strongly believe we can improve all areas of our life and business through a structural approach and detailed data analysis. 2 There are several points of focus in Trelleborg Wheel Systems related to sustainability, such as the implementation of different projects, strict data analysis from all manufacturing sites, as well as spreading the message about why this focus is important not just for us, but also for future generations. 3 I’m proud to be the member of the Trelleborg Wheel Systems team that promotes our sustainability journey on all levels of the organization. Biljana Drijovska, Sustainability Controller, Trelleborg Industrial Solutions 1 I am a controller with a finance background, with sustainability as one focus area. The main selling point for me to take on this role, on top of contributing to an important and relevant topic, was the project part of the job – I am comfortable with handling new roles and tasks in an organization. 2 To drive, coordinate and support the implementation of Group and business area initiatives. Key is to create valuable forums for the Sustainability Champions representing our business units and relevant stakeholders to discuss and share best practices, and the business area to guide and support to find sustainable solutions. 3 The Sustainability Day event we arranged earlier this year to raise awareness and create engagement across all our Trelleborg Industrial Solutions sites. 4 | connect Nr 1 2022

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OUR | SUSTAINABILITY MFINOOARVWCINIARGRCDLE In November 2021, Trelleborg created the Polymers for Tomorrow task force. With circularity in focus, this new team is leading the way to greater sustainability in Trelleborg’s key materials. TEXT MARK DRAKE To meet Trelleborg’s sustaina- bility goals and the Paris Agreement, we need to make the biggest possible difference in our CO 2 footprint,” says Sustainability Project Leader Ulrika Wedberg, who chairs the Polymers for Tomorrow steering group. “More than 50 percent of Trelleborg’s products are fossil-based, so there’s a big potential in our material supply.” Specifically, the Polymers for Tomorrow task force is examining seven key materials, looking for ways to increase recycled con- tent or to implement bio-based alternatives. One such material is carbon black, which is crucial to the tires produced by Trelleborg Wheel Systems. Veronica Cantonetti, Seni- or Raw Material and Lab Manager, heads the carbon black work stream. “Exhausted tires are usually burned,” Veronica explains. “If we can get recycled material from them instead, we can create a loop of reuse. Putting recycled carbon black in our tires reduces Trelleborg’s CO 2 footprint and makes our own products more circular. And if we could find bio- based alternatives that work equally well, that would be even better.” Of course, it isn’t as simple as it sounds. Carbon black is recyclable, but the pro- cesses are not standardized – which means neither are the results. The characteristics are even more varied among bio-based alternatives, which come in limited supply and often at a premium price. “We’d welcome a one-to-one replace- ment, but switching to a recycled or bio- based feedstock changes the compound,” Veronica says. “We need to adapt our production, formulation and processes to achieve the same properties and approvals. Ultimately, this is a longer journey that will hopefully result in new and fully recyclable product concepts.” That said, reducing Trelleborg’s depen- dence on fossil-based materials is a journey worth making. “I think we’re all becoming more sensitive and aware that this is something we need to do,” says Ulrika. “CO 2 is in focus for us and for customers, and focus is what leads to solutions.” + Nr 1 2022 connect | 5
