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EDITORIAL Connect is an internal ma- gazine for everyone in the Trelleborg Group. It is issued twice a year and produced in Sweden in collaboration with a worldwide network of writers. Contact Margareta Mildsommar, editor-in-chief, with all ideas or sugges- tions for content that you think would be of interest to readers: margareta.mildsommar The magazine is printed in nine languages: Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish. Copy Editing: Donna Guinivan Editorial committee: Karin Larsson, Rosman Jahja, Mats Kristiansson Distribution: Marie Linse Production: Soner & Co Language Editors: Arianna Antonielli, Carine Aubry, Kristyna Duchonova, Heike Arnold, Spelca Klancar, Rocío Vega Printing: Exakta Print, ISO14001 and FSC certified 2 | connect Nr 1 2022 Dear All, Welcome to this issue of Connect magazine. Earlier this spring we announced that we signed an agreement to divest Trelleborg Wheel Systems. Tires are a legacy business for Trelleborg, we have been making tires since the beginning of Trelleborg in 1905 and it has not been an easy decision. However, being a listed company, we do always have to reflect on what is best for our shareholders, the long-term future for Trelleborg and the best for each business. We have been developing Trelleborg Wheel Systems in a great way the past few years and plans are in place to develop it further. However, when reflecting on the future both for Trelleborg in total and Trelleborg Wheel Systems, the conclusion is that it is best to part ways. What will this mean for Trelleborg going forward? Read more on page 9. In this issue of Connect we highlight IT security. Companies, such as Trelleborg, increasingly face a variety of IT security threats. Here, Alex Jarosch, CIO, and Michael Braig, Director Group IT, talk about the challenges and risks, and why employee aware- ness is key to protecting us against such dangers. We also pay a visit to three manufacturing sites – Northborough in the US, Liepaja in Latvia, and Bengaluru in India – and talk to the managers about how health and safety features on their daily agenda. I am proud for all the hard work done, and the + processes put in place to further promote safety in our sites. Finally: What does Trelleborg mean to each of you? Employer branding is a term used for summing up how a company is viewed both by employees and future talents. At the core of Trelleborg’s employer branding is our employer value proposition. It consists of the statement ‘Shaping Industry from the Inside’ and four key messages: ‘Drive global innovation,’ ‘Where talents grow,’ ‘Make a difference,’ and ‘Have an impact.’ The employer value proposition should reflect our company’s DNA, and all of us working here should have some kind of connection to one, or several, of these messages. I hope you all do. Read more on page 8 about why working with employer branding is important. Enjoy reading about this and much more in this Connect . Please stay safe, Peter Nilsson, President & CEO 3 3 5 IT Security How to counter the different threats Materials in focus With Polymers for Tomorrow 6 Local attention Safety in focus at our sites 10 News and Updates from the more Group Employer branding 10 8 12 What is it and why it matters Meet our people Hello Jonathan Hurst!
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OUR | SAFETY CREATING A HUMAN FIREWALL Companies increasingly face IT security threats such as phishing, malware and ransomware attacks. Connect spoke to Alex Jarosch, CIO, and Michael Braig, Director, Group IT, about these challenges and risks, and why employee awareness is instrumental to defend such threats. TEXT MARGARETA MILDSOMMAR I T security is not what it used to be. “Some ten years ago, it was enough to have an antivirus program on your computer to be safe,” explains Alexander Jarosch, CIO. Today, however, IT security is a complex matter. “Attacks are no longer done by a computer nerd in a basement,” says Michael Braig. Instead, he says, hacking has become a business where enterprises sell and orchestrate IT attacks. How often is Trelleborg targeted by such IT attacks? “All the time,” explain Michael and Alex. And as the attacks become more complex, so are Trelleborg’s IT counter measures, including an array of antivirus and antimalware programs, firewalls, intru- sion detections systems, and multi factor authentication. But ultimately, employee awareness is the key to successful protection. Employee awareness is key “When employees have good IT security awareness, they help to minimize a poten- tial attack,” says Alex. “They need to be a human firewall.” So, what simple security measures can employees take? First, says Michael, always install the latest IT system updates and up- grades, and regularly restart your computer. “Use your common sense when receiving suspicious mails, phone calls, or messag- es via Teams, WhatsApp, or iMessage. Remember that if something sounds too good to be true, it likely is. Use different, strong passwords, and don’t have identical passwords at work and at home. Finally, don’t leave your computer or mobile phone at risk of theft.” Devastating risks In a successful hacker attack a range of valuable data is at risk: from an employee’s personal files to larger quantities of data on shared servers, and ultimately, even the entire company’s data and intellectual property. “A ransomware attack could be devastating to the entire Group, potentially making any data globally inaccessible,” says Alex. “You tend to primarily think of comput- ers being hacked,” he adds. “But old and outdated production equipment lacking adequate IT security also pose a risk.” A balancing act “Within Group IT we try to balance secu- rity versus ease of working, and enhanced security sometimes comes with inconven- ience,” says Michael. “It might feel tedious to regularly change passwords, install sys- tem upgrades, and use multi factor authen- tication on our Trelleborg devices. But the consequence of not applying such measures can damage the entire company. Therefore, we must all do our share to help prevent successful attacks. Technology alone cannot solve this issue.” + FOUR TIPS ON HOW TO BECOME IT SECURITY AWARE • Take the IT Security Awareness e-learning on the Learning Zone to raise your awareness • Always report a security incident in the IT Service Desk • Be suspicious and use common sense when receiving odd emails, messages or phone calls. Try to verify the source if possible • Apply Trelleborg’s security measures also in your private life by keeping IT tools updated and using multi factor authentica- tion for your private mail account for example Nr 1 2022 connect | 3