Side 1

THREAD HOLE PREPARATORY DIAMETERS YOUR BENEFITS • Do more with less tooling • Reduce tooling inventory and costs • Get jobs up and running faster • Improve process stability and consitency • Process with a wider range of part materials with single universal-type tools • Uninterrupted machining operations • Less down-time • Process securtity DISCOVER OUR NEW VERSATILE TAPS T34 High performance HSSE-PM taps for materials with Rm up to 1200 MPa T32 HSSE taps for material with Rm up to 1000 MPa T33 Taps for cold forming of threads with high performance HSSE-PM taps HOLE OPTIMIZATION Different factors can influence the hole size: • Diameter tolerance of the drill • Concentricity of the tool • Toolholder selection • Better chip evacutation • Cutting fluid selection • Optimal tool wear • Increased stability on the machine and workpiece HOLE SIZES: Up to 20 mm • Seco Feedmax™ • Seco Universal < 2 mm • Seco Feedmax™ Micro Drill 10-26 mm • Crownloc® and Crownloc® Plus > 26 mm • Perfomax® ISO METRIC THREADS M ISO Metric coarse thread DIN 13 Nom size D1 (6H) D P min max mm mm mm mm M 1,0 0,25 0,729 0,785 1,1 0,25 0,829 0,885 1,2 0,25 0,929 0,985 1,4 0,30 1,075 1,142 1,6 0,35 1,221 1,321 1,7 0,35 1,321 1,421 1,8 0,35 1,421 1,521 2,0 0,40 1,567 1,679 2,2 0,42 1,713 1,838 2,3 0,40 1,867 1,979 2,5 0,45 2,013 2,138 2,6 0,45 2,113 2,238 3,0 0,50 2,459 2,599 3,5 0,60 2,850 3,010 4,0 0,70 3,242 3,422 4,5 0,75 3,688 3,878 5,0 0,80 4,134 4,334 5,5 0,90 4,526 4,750 6,0 1,00 4,917 5,153 7,0 1,00 5,917 6,153 8,0 1,25 6,647 6,912 9,0 1,25 7,647 7,912 10,0 1,50 8,367 8,676 11,0 1,50 9,376 9,676 12,0 1,75 10,106 10,441 14,0 2,00 11,835 12,210 16,0 2,00 13,835 14,210 18,0 2,50 15,294 15,744 20,0 2,50 17,294 17,744 22,0 2,50 19,294 19,744 24,0 3,00 20,752 21,252 27,0 3,00 23,752 24,252 30,0 3,50 26,211 26,771 33,0 3,50 29,211 29,771 36,0 4,00 31,670 32,270 39,0 4,00 34,670 35,270 42,0 4,50 37,129 37,799 45,0 4,50 40,129 40,799 48,0 5,00 42,587 43,297 52,0 5,00 46,587 47,297 56,0 5,50 50,046 50,796 60,0 5,50 54,046 54,796 64,0 6,00 57,505 58,305 68,0 6,00 61,505 62,305 mm 0,75 0,85 0,95 1,10 1,25 1,35 1,45 1,60 1,75 1,90 2,05 2,15 2,50 2,90 3,30 3,70 4,20 4,60 5,00 6,00 6,80 7,80 8,50 9,50 10,20 12,00 14,00 15,50 17,50 19,50 21,00 24,00 26,50 29,50 32,00 35,00 37,50 40,50 43,00 47,00 50,50 54,50 58,00 62,00 MF ISO Metric fine thread DIN 13 Nom size D1 (6H) D x P min max mm mm mm mm M 2,5 x 0,35 2,121 2,221 2,6 x 0,35 2,221 2,321 3 x 0,35 2,621 2,721 3,5 x 0,35 3,121 3,221 4 x 0,35 3,621 3,721 4 x 0,50 3,459 3,599 5 x 0,50 4,459 4,599 6 x 0,50 5,459 5,599 6 x 0,75 5,188 5,378 7 x 0,75 6,188 6,378 8 x 0,75 7,188 7,378 8 x 1,00 6,917 7,153 9 x 0,75 8,188 8,378 9 x 1,00 7,917 8,153 10 x 0,75 9,188 9,378 10 x 1,00 8,917 9,153 10 x 1,25 8,647 8,912 11 x 1,00 9,917 10,153 12 x 1,00 10,917 11,153 12 x 1,25 10,647 10,912 12 x 1,50 10,376 10,676 14 x 1,00 12,917 13,153 14 x 1,25 12,647 12,912 14 x 1,50 12,376 12,676 15 x 1,00 13,917 14,153 16 x 1,00 14,917 15,153 16 x 1,50 14,376 14,676 18 x 1,00 16,917 17,153 18 x 1,50 16,376 16,676 18 x 2,00 15,835 16,210 20 x 1,00 18,917 19,153 20 x 1,50 18,376 18,676 20 x 2,00 17,835 18,210 22 x 1,00 20,917 21,153 22 x 1,50 20,376 20,676 22 x 2,00 19,835 20,210 24 x 1,00 22,917 23,153 24 x 1,50 22,376 22,676 24 x 2,00 21,835 22,210 25 x 1,50 23,376 23,676 26 x 1,50 24,376 24,676 27 x 1,50 25,376 25,676 27 x 2,00 24,835 25,210 28 x 1,50 26,376 26,676 28 x 2,00 25,835 26,210 30 x 1,50 28,376 28,676 30 x 2,00 27,835 28,210 32 x 1,50 30,376 30,676 32 x 2,00 29,835 30,210 33 x 1,50 31,376 31,676 33 x 2,00 30,835 31,210 34 x 1,50 32,376 32,676 mm 2,15 2,25 2,65 3,15 3,65 3,50 4,50 5,50 5,20 6,20 7,20 7,00 8,20 8,00 9,20 9,00 8,80 10,00 11,00 10,80 10,50 13,00 12,80 12,50 14,00 15,00 14,50 17,00 16,50 16,00 19,00 18,50 18,00 21,00 20,50 20,00 23,00 22,50 22,00 23,50 24,50 25,50 25,00 26,50 26,00 28,50 28,00 30,50 30,00 31,50 31,00 32,50 Nom size D1 (6H) D P min max mm mm mm mm mm M 35 x 1,5 33,376 33,676 33,5 36 x 1,5 34,376 34,676 34,5 36 x 2,0 33,835 34,210 34,0 36 x 3,0 32,752 33,252 33,0 38 x 1,5 36,376 36,676 36,5 39 x 1,5 37,376 37,676 37,5 39 x 2,0 36,835 37,210 37,0 39 x 3,0 35,752 36,252 36,0 40 x 1,5 38,376 38,676 38,5 40 x 2,0 37,835 38,210 38,0 42 x 1,5 40,376 40,676 40,5 42 x 2,0 39,835 40,210 40,0 42 x 3,0 38,752 39,252 39,0 45 x 1,5 43,376 43,676 43,5 45 x 2,0 42,835 43,210 43,0 45 x 3,0 41,752 42,252 42,0 48 x 1,5 46,376 46,676 46,5 48 x 2,0 45,835 46,210 46,0 48 x 3,0 44,752 45,252 45,0 50 x 1,5 48,376 48,676 48,5 50 x 2,0 47,835 48,210 48,0 52 x 1,5 50,376 50,676 50,5 52 x 2,0 49,835 50,210 50,0 52 x 3,0 48,752 49,252 49,0 56 x 3,0 52,752 53,252 53,0 56 x 4,0 51,670 52,270 52,0 60 x 4,0 55,670 56,270 56,0 64 x 3,0 60,752 61,252 61,0 64 x 4,0 59,670 60,270 60,0 68 x 4,0 63,670 64,270 64,0 70 x 3,0 66,752 67,252 67,0 70 x 4,0 65,670 66,270 66,0 72 x 3,0 68,752 69,252 69,0 72 x 4,0 67,670 68,270 68,0 72 x 6,0 65,505 66,305 66,0 76 x 3,0 72,752 73,252 73,0 76 x 4,0 71,670 72,270 72,0 76 x 6,0 69,505 70,305 70,0 80 x 4,0 75,670 76,270 76,0 80 x 6,0 73,505 74,305 74,0 85 x 3,0 81,752 82,252 82,0 85 x 4,0 80,670 81,270 81,0 90 x 3,0 86,752 87,252 87,0 90 x 4,0 85,670 86,270 86,0 90 x 6,0 83,505 84,305 84,0 95 x 6,0 88,505 89,305 89,0 100 x 4,0 95,670 96,270 96,0 100 x 6,0 93,505 94,305 94,0 110 x 6,0 103,505 104,305 104,0 115 x 3,0 111,752 112,252 112,0 120 x 4,0 115,670 116,270 116,0 120 x 6,0 113,505 114,305 114,0 UNIFIED THREADS UNC Unified coarse thread ANSI/ASME B1.1 Nom size D1 (2B) D - Gg/1“ min max inch (tpl) mm mm mm No 1 - 64 1,425 1,582 1,55 2 - 56 1,694 1,872 1,85 3 - 48 1,941 2,146 2,10 4 - 40 2,156 2,385 2,35 5 - 40 2,487 2,697 2,65 6 - 32 2,647 2,896 2,85 8 - 32 3,307 3,528 3,50 10 - 24 3,680 3,949 3,90 12 - 24 4,341 4,590 4,50 1/4 - 20 4,976 5,268 5,10 5/16 - 18 6,411 6,734 6,60 3/8 - 16 7,805 8,164 8,00 7/16 - 14 9,149 9,550 9,40 1/2 - 13 10,584 11,016 10,80 9/16 - 12 11,996 12,456 12,20 5/8 - 11 13,376 13,868 13,50 3/4 - 10 16,299 16,833 16,50 7/8 - 9 19,169 19,748 19,50 1“ - 8 21,963 22,598 22,25 1 1/8 - 7 24,648 25,349 25,00 1 1/4 - 7 27,823 28,524 28,00 1 3/8 - 6 30,343 31,120 30,75 1 1/2 - 6 33,518 34,295 34,00 1 3/4 - 5 38,951 39,814 39,50 2“ - 4 1/2 44,689 45,598 45,00 UNF Unified fine thread ANSI/ASME B1.1 Nom size D1 (2B) D - Gg/1“ min max inch (tpl) mm mm mm No 2 - 64 1,755 1,913 1,85 3 - 56 2,024 2,197 2,15 4 - 48 2,271 2,459 2,40 5 - 44 2,550 2,741 2,70 6 - 40 2,817 3,012 2,95 8 - 36 3,401 3,597 3,50 10 - 32 3,967 4,168 4,10 12 - 28 4,503 4,716 4,60 1/4 - 28 5,367 5,580 5,50 5/16 - 24 6,792 7,038 6,90 3/8 - 24 8,379 8,626 8,50 7/16 - 20 9,738 10,030 9,90 1/12 - 20 11,326 11,618 11,50 9/16 - 18 12,761 13,084 12,90 5/8 - 18 14,348 14,671 14,50 3/4 - 16 17,330 17,689 17,50 7/8 - 14 20,262 20,663 20,40 1“ - 12 23,109 23,569 23,25 1 1/8 - 12 26,284 26,744 26,50 1 1/4 - 12 29,459 29,919 29,50 1 3/8 - 12 32,634 33,094 32,75 1 1/2 - 12 35,809 36,269 36,00 UNEF Unified extra fine thread ANSI/ASME B1.1 Nom size D - Gg/1“ inch (tpl) 1/4 - 32 5/16 - 32 3/8 - 32 7/16 - 28 1/12 - 28 9/16 - 24 5/8 - 24 3/4 - 20 7/8 - 20 1“ - 20 D1 (2B) min max mm mm 5,491 5,679 7,079 7,267 8,666 8,854 10,130 10,343 11,717 11,930 13,142 13,388 14,729 14,975 17,676 17,968 20,851 21,143 24,026 24,318 mm 5,55 7,15 8,70 10,20 11,80 13,20 14,80 17,80 20,95 24,15 CROWNLOC® SECO UNVERSAL PLUS SECO FEEDMAX™ PERFOMAX® CYLINDRICAL PIPE THREADS G Withworth pipe thread DIN EN ISO 228 Nom size D - P/1“ D1 min max inch (tpl) mm mm mm G 1/16 - 28 6,561 6,843 6,80 1/8 - 28 8,566 8,848 8,80 1/4 - 19 11,445 11,890 11,80 3/8 - 19 14,950 15,395 15,25 1/2 - 14 18,631 19,172 19,00 5/8 - 14 20,587 21,128 21,00 3/4 - 14 24,117 24,658 24,50 7/8 - 14 27,877 28,418 28,25 1“ - 11 30,291 30,931 30,75 1 1/8 - 11 34,939 35,579 35,50 1 1/4 - 11 38,952 39,592 39,50 1 3/8 - 11 41,365 42,005 41,75 1 1/2 - 11 44,845 45,485 45,25 1 5/8 - 11 49,030 49,670 49,50 1 3/4 - 11 50,788 51,428 51,00 2“ - 11 56,656 57,296 57,00 2 1/4 - 11 62,752 63,392 63,30 2 1/2 - 11 72,226 72,866 72,80 2 3/4 - 11 78,576 79,216 79,10 3“ - 11 84,926 85,566 85,50 COLD-FORMING OF THREADS M ISO Metric coarse thread DIN 13 Nom size DP mm mm mm M 1,0 0,25 0,90 1,1 0,25 1,00 1,2 0,25 1,10 1,4 0,30 1,28 1,6 0,35 1,47 1,7 0,35 1,57 1,8 0,35 1,67 2,0 0,40 1,85 2,2 0,45 2,03 2,3 0,40 2,15 2,5 0,45 2,33 2,6 0,45 2,43 3,0 0,50 2,80 3,5 0,60 3,25 4,0 0,70 3,70 4,5 0,75 4,20 5,0 0,80 4,65 5,5 0,90 5,10 6,0 1,00 5,60 7,0 1,00 6,60 8,0 1,25 7,45 9,0 1,25 8,45 10,0 1,50 9,35 12,0 1,75 11,25 14,0 2,00 13,10 16,0 2,00 15,10 18,0 2,50 16,85 20,0 2,50 18,85 22,0 2,50 20,85 24,0 3,00 22,65 27,0 3,00 25,65 30,0 3,50 28,40 33,0 3,50 31,40 36,0 4,00 34,15 39,0 4,00 37,15 42,0 4,50 39,90 45,0 4,50 42,90 48,0 5,00 45,65 MF ISO Metric fine thread DIN 13 Nom size DxP mm mm mm M 2,5 x 0,35 2,37 2,6 x 0,35 2,47 3,0 x 0,35 2,88 3,5 x 0,35 3,38 4,0 x 0,50 3,80 5,0 x 0,50 4,80 6,0 x 0,50 5,80 6,0 x 0,75 5,70 7,0 x 0,75 6,70 8,0 x 0,75 7,70 8,0 x 1,00 7,60 9,0 x 0,75 8,70 9,0 x 1,00 8,60 10,0 x 0,75 9,70 10,0 x 1,00 9,60 10,0 x 1,25 9,45 11,0 x 1,00 10,60 12,0 x 1,00 11,60 12,0 x 1,25 11,45 12,0 x 1,50 11,35 14,0 x 1,00 13,60 14,0 x 1,25 13,45 14,0 x 1,50 13,35 15,0 x 1,00 14,60 15,0 x 1,50 14,35 16,0 x 1,00 15,60 16,0 x 1,50 15,35 18,0 x 1,00 17,60 18,0 x 1,50 17,35 18,0 x 2,00 17,10 20,0 x 1,00 19,60 20,0 x 1,50 19,35 20,0 x 2,00 19,10 24,0 x 2,00 23,10 30,0 x 2,00 29,10 36,0 x 3,00 34,65 42,0 x 4,00 40,15 48,0 x 3,00 44,65 UNC Unified coarse thread ANSI/ASME B1.1 Nom size D - P/1“ inch (tpi) mm No 4 - 40 2,55 5 - 40 2,90 6 - 32 3,15 8 - 32 3,80 10 - 24 4,35 12 - 24 5,00 1/4 - 20 5,75 5/16 - 18 7,30 3/8 - 16 8,80 7/16 - 14 10,25 1/2 - 13 11,80 9/16 - 12 13,30 5/8 - 11 14,80 3/4 - 10 17,85 7/8 - 9 20,90 1“ - 8 23,90 G Withworth pipe thread DIN EN ISO 228 Nom size D P/1“ inch (tpi) mm G 1/16 - 28 7,25 1/8 - 28 9,25 1/4 - 19 12,55 3/8 - 19 16,05 1/2 - 14 20,10 5/8 - 14 22,05 3/4 - 14 25,60 7/8 - 14 29,35 1“ - 11 32,15 UNF Unified fine thread ANSI/ASME B1.1 Nom size D - P/1“ inch (tpi) mm N0 2 - 64 2,02 3 - 56 2,32 4 - 48 2,62 5 - 44 2,92 6 - 40 3,22 8 - 36 3,85 10 - 32 4,45 12 - 28 5,10 1/4 - 28 5,95 5/16 - 24 7,45 3/8 - 24 9,05 7/16 - 20 10,55 1/2 - 20 12,15 9/16 - 18 13,65 5/8 - 18 15,25 3/4 - 16 18,35 7/8 - 14 21,40 1“ - 12 24,45 Der Toleranzbereich der nomi- nalen Kernlochbohrungsgröße hängt von folgenden Parame- tern ab: ■ Formbarkeit des Werkstoffes ■ Abmessung des Gewindesys- tems ■ Geforderte Toleranz des Kerndurchmessers ■ Kühlschmierstoff Die beste Kernlochbohrungs- größe ist durch eigene Versu- che zu ermitteln. TAPERED PIPE THREADS Drill cylindrically without using a reamer Drill cylindrically and prepare tapered hole with reamer Recommended preparation of blind holes (minimum length) NPT American tapered pipe thread ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 for threads with dryseal material taper 1:16 Nom size D1 t1 t4 D - P/1“ inch (tpi) mm mm mm 1/16 - 27 6,15 11,8 9,70 1/8 - 27 8,50 11,9 9,75 1/4 - 18 11,00 17,4 14,25 3/8 - 18 14,40 17,7 14,55 1/2 - 14 17,80 23,1 19,00 3/4 - 14 23,15 23,6 19,50 1“ - 11 1/2 29,05 28,4 23,40 1“ 1/4 - 11 1/2 37,80 28,9 23,90 1“ 1/2 - 11 1/2 43,85 28,9 23,90 2“ - 11 1/2 55,85 29,3 24,35 Nom size D2 D3 t1 t4 D - P/1“ +0,05 inch (tpi) mm mm mm mm 1/16 - 27 5,95 6,39 11,8 9,70 1/8 - 27 8,30 8,74 11,9 9,75 1/4 - 18 10,75 11,36 17,4 14,25 3/8 - 18 14,15 14,80 17,7 14,55 1/2 - 14 17,45 18,32 23,1 19,00 3/4 - 14 22,80 23,67 23,6 19,50 1“ - 11 1/2 28,65 29,69 28,4 23,40 1“ 1/4 - 11 1/2 37,35 38,45 28,9 23,90 1“ 1/2 - 11 1/2 43,45 44,52 28,9 23,90 2“ - 11 1/2 55,45 56,56 29,3 24,35 Nom size D3 b t min D4 D - P/1“ +0,05 min inch (tpi) mm mm mm mm Rc 1/16 - 27 6,39 7,0 10,0 7,6 1/8 - 27 8,74 7,0 10,0 10,0 1/4 - 18 11,36 10,2 14,5 13,1 3/8 - 18 14,80 10,6 15,0 16,5 1/2 - 14 18,32 13,8 19,0 20,5 3/4 - 14 23,67 14,2 20,0 25,8 1“ - 11 1/2 29,69 17,0 24,0 32,2 1“ 1/4 - 11 1/2 38,45 17,5 24,5 41,0 1“ 1/2 - 11 1/2 44,52 17,5 24,5 47,2 2“ - 11 1/2 56,56 18,0 25,0 59,2 NPTF American tapered pipe thread ANSI B1.20.3 for threads with dryseal material taper 1:16 Nom size D1 t1 t4 D - P/1“ inch (tpi) mm mm mm 1/16 - 27 6,10 13,0 10,65 1/8 - 27 8,45 13,0 10,70 1/4 - 18 10,90 19,2 15,65 3/8 - 18 14,30 19,5 16,00 1/2 - 14 17,60 25,4 20,85 3/4 - 14 23,00 25,9 21,30 1“ - 11 1/2 28,75 31,1 25,60 1“ 1/4 - 11 1/2 37,50 31,7 26,15 1“ 1/2 - 11 1/2 43,75 31,7 26,15 2“ - 11 1/2 55,75 32,1 26,55 Nom size D2 D3 t1 t4 D - P/1“ +0,05 inch (tpi) mm mm mm mm 1/16 - 27 5,95 6,41 13,0 10,65 1/8 - 27 8,30 8,76 13,0 10,70 1/4 - 18 10,75 11,40 19,2 15,65 3/8 - 18 14,15 14,84 19,5 16,00 1/2 - 14 17,45 18,33 25,4 20,85 3/4 - 14 22,80 23,68 25,9 21,30 1“ - 11 1/2 28,65 29,72 31,1 25,60 1“ 1/4 - 11 1/2 37,35 38,48 31,7 26,15 1“ 1/2 - 11 1/2 43,45 44,55 31,7 26,15 2“ - 11 1/2 55,45 56,59 32,1 26,55 Nom size D3 b t min D4 D - P/1“ +0,05 +0,05 min inch (tpi) mm mm mm mm 1/16 - 27 6,41 8,0 11,0 7,4 1/8 - 27 8,76 8,0 11,0 9,8 1/4 - 18 11,40 11,6 15,5 12,9 3/8 - 18 14,84 12,0 16,0 16,3 1/2 - 14 18,33 15,6 20,5 20,3 3/4 - 14 23,68 16,0 21,5 25,6 1“ - 11 1/2 29,72 19,2 26,0 32,0 1“ 1/4 - 11 1/2 38,48 19,7 26,5 40,8 1“ 1/2 - 11 1/2 44,55 19,7 26,5 47,0 2“ - 11 1/2 56,59 20,2 27,0 59,0 THESE THREADING TYPES CAN BE FOUND ON THE BACK SIDE. Helical coil threads for inserts: ■ EGM ■ EGUNC/EGUNF Cylindrical pipe threads: ■ NPSM ■ NPSF ■ Rp British threads: ■ BSW/BSF Thread for the aerospace industry: ■ MJ ■ UNSC/UNJF Unified threads: ■ UN-8 Tapered pipe threads: ■ Rc Trapezoidale and round threads: ■ TR ■ Rd
