THE FUTURE OF BUSINESS IS DIGITAL CREATE EFFICIENT & PAPERLESS WORKFLOWS WHAT IS EDI? The transmission of information between people can be fraught with delays, errors, misinterpretations, and security breaches. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of documents, o ering a secure, encrypted alternative to manual paper processing and supply chain tracking. EDI ALLOWS FOR SECURE, PAPERLESS & FAST DOCUMENT EXCHANGE Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the virtual exchange of data or business documents in electronic format between trading partners, particularly buyers and their suppliers. By transferring purchase orders, invoices, payments, shipping notices and various other documents via an EDI, users eliminate paper waste, improve operational e ciency and enhance virtual exchanges with new trading partners around the world. HOW IS EDI USED? Created to ease the management and flow of transaction information, Electronic Data Interchange systems can handle and transmit any business document data such as: • Purchase orders • Invoices • Order acknowledgement • Shipping notices Buyer EDI Purchase Order EDI Order Response & EDI Invoice Seco Tools Buyer sends EDI Automized process: – Checks stock level – Sends order – Receives response – Posts invoice 2 Seco Tools Automized process: – Handles the order – Sends an order response – Generates an invoice
4 REASONS TO IMPLEMENT EDI WITH SECO 1. SPEED UP & SIMPLIFY YOUR DOCUMENT FLOW • EDI allows business to automate processes and speed up document creation and handling by 61%. • Reduced time delays related to manual data entry and file management. • You can use your own ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. • EDI is able to handle most type of formats and communication methods. 2. BECOME PAPERLESS TO SAVE COSTS & OUR ENVIRONMENT • Expenses associated with paper, printing, reproduction, storage, filing, postage and document retrieval are reduced or eliminated. • Lowering your transaction costs by at least 35%, savings of up to 90% are possible by using EDI. • Example: processing an order manually at $38 can be compared to just $1.35 for an order processed using EDI. 3. HANDLE YOUR ORDER MANAGEMENT EFFICIENTLY & SECURELY • Less errors, reducing at least 30 - 40% of errors in transactions. • Rational handling of large orders. Less re-working of orders, fewer stock outs and fewer cancelled orders. • Less manual work, automation can free up sta time as much as 65% for more value adding work. • Delivery times can be improved by 30%. • Reduce the order-to-cash cycle time by more than 20%. • 24/7 availability & manage your stock e ciently (just-in-time orders). • Highly secure solutions using encryption and receipts. • Audit trails, possible to trace all transactions. • Archives, everything sent and received archived. 4. YOUR LONG-TERM EFFECT • Enables real-time visibility into transaction status. • Streamlines your ability to enter new territories and markets. • Supports corporate social responsibility and sustainability. SETTING UP EDI WITH US WILL BE FREE OF CHARGE. WANT TO KNOW MORE? Contact your responsible sales person or visit us on for further information about EDI. DID YOU KNOW? In the 1960s, the U.S. transportation industry developed EDI to enable accurate communications between multiple companies’ computer systems. Its objective was to standardize electronic transactions between customers and vendors. 3