Achieving sustainable mobility Achieving sustainable mobility Metropolitan areas all over the world are affected by the rise in transport needs that comes with urbanisation. This presents challenges in terms of congestion as well as emissions and pollution that affect both people and the environment. Much can be gained by reducing the number of vehicles and instead getting people to commute together. But to make that happen, the public transport system needs to be an attractive alternative for potential passengers, and to further reduce emissions, the system also has to consist of energy-efficient vehicles running on renewable fuels. Simply put, switching to more sus- tainably powered vehicles will be crucial to create a transport system that stays within the environmental boundaries of this planet. lated a deep understanding and a knowledge base that allows us to develop buses and services that make sustainability go hand in hand with operating economy - which is needed to make sustainable transport happen on a wide scale. Further, it cannot be achieved through a single solution. We at Scania instead approach the chal- lenge from all angles, offering a wide range of efficient quality prod- ucts and services to meet the vary- ing needs in urban environments. Improving the environment requires cutting down on both local and global emissions Local Global Scania wants to be a frontrunner in this shift to sustainable transport. And we know that caring about the bigger picture means putting a lot of effort into the details. Over more than a century, we have accumu- PM NO x CO 2 1
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