PRIVACY POLICY Scania Finance Czech Republic, spol. s r.o., with its registered office at Sobínská 186, 252 19 Chrášťany, ID no.: 256 57 496, entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 58719 (“Scania”) hereby provides information about the manner and scope of personal data processing including the rights relating to personal data processing. Privacy and data security are Scania’s priority and personal data processing is regarded as strictly confidential and personal data are treated in accordance with data protection laws in force and effect, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679. Scania as a data controller collects, stores and uses (and otherwise processes) personal data relating in particular to the following data subjects: • clients and other persons, i.e. individuals who have concluded a purchase agreement, a financial leasing agreement, an agreement on the lease of a vehicle, an agreement on the provision of financial services or an agreement on the lease of a vehicle with additional services with Scania (the “ Agreement ”) or enter into negotiations with Scania for the purpose of concluding the Agreement or in connection with the conclusion of the Agreement (the “ Clients ”); • persons acting on behalf of the Client; • persons who could be Scania’s potential clients; • persons related to the Client or a potential client (a wife, guarantor, Client’s employee, driver of the Client’s vehicle, Client’s customer etc.); or • visitors of the web pages (hereinafter jointly referred to as the “ Data Subject ”). The respective purposes for which personal data is processed are defined more precisely below. PURPOSES OF DATA PROCESSING Scania is authorised to process personal data for the following purposes: • Negotiations on the conclusion of the Agreement or in connection with the conclusion of the Agreement ; • Communicating in connection with and processing the Client’s financing application ; • Assessing the Client’s creditworthiness, credit history and trustworthiness necessary to assess the Client’s financing application ; • Performing the Agreement ; • Legal compliance – complying with obligations imposed on Scania by generally applicable legal regulations (such as Act no. 253/2008 Sb., on certain measures against legalisation of criminal proceeds and terrorism financing, as amended, tax and accounting laws etc.); legal compliance means also the provision of information to law enforcement agencies or, as applicable, other public authorities in accordance with the relevant legal regulations; • Data controller’s legitimate interest – protection of the data controller’s rights and interests protected by law, e.g. assessing the Client’s trustworthiness, creditworthiness, and credit history; protection of Scania’s assets (e.g. leased vehicles); management and collection of claims arising from or relating to the Agreement; informing SCANIA CV AB, with its registered office at
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