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TYPE OF SERVICE Price / EUR (without VAT) 1. PAYMENTS FOR STANDARD SERVICES MINIMUM ADMIN COST OF APPROVAL (which is also charged if the client withdraws from the contract before the delivery of the leased object) 1% of the purchase value of the object or not less than 125,00 per contract CHANGE IN MATURITY OF RECEIVABLES IN THE PAYPLAN(In addition, the costs of changing the payment plan also include any additional interest incurred) 125,00 per contract PREPARATION OF PRE-TERMINATION OFFER, PURCHASE OF THE ITEM, INQUIRY ON THE STATUS OF LIABILITIES MINIMUM COST FOR EARLY RE-PAYMENT OF CONTRACT (unless otherwise agreed in the contract, the contractual cost applies) COST OF APPROVAL OF RESCHEDULLING OF THE CONTRACT (in addition to the cost of approval, the costs of reschedulling also includes any additional interest incurred, change in interest rate and compensation specified in the contract or general terms and conditions) 50,00 per contract 50% of unpaid interest or not less than 125.00 per contract and 0,1% of the value of outstanding principal or not less than 250,00 per contract 2. PAYMENT MONITORING AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES Second REMINDER for overdue receivables Third REMINDER for overdue receivables EXECUTING BILLS OF EXCHANGE Second REMINDER for undelivered documentation Third REMINDER for undelivered documentation COLLECTION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTATION (obtaining certificates of vehicle registration and insurance) PREPARATION OF JUDICIAL ENFORCEMENT 20,00 25,00 50,00 20,00 30,00 20,00 per contract 300.00 per lessee or guarantor COLLECTION COSTS THROUGH AN AUTHORIZED AGENCY Reimbursement of invoiced costs by the engaged agency increased by 20% (manipulative costs) COST OF TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT FIXED COST OF PERFORMING THE PROCEDURE OF SEARCHING, PICKING UP, DEPOSITING AND EVALUATING THE OBJECT OF LEASING 200,00 350,00 per contract DEMURRAGE FEE for a truck or trailer according to the contractor's price list, minimum 10,00 per day COST OF SALE OF A SEIZED UNIT INDIRECT COSTS OF SEARCHING, SEIZURE, DEPOSIT, VALUATION AND SALE OF THE LEASED OBJECT ISSUE OF A DUPLICATE OF DOCUMENTS ALREADY RECEIVED 3. PAYMENTS FOR SPECIAL SERVICES TRANSFER OF THE CONTRACT DUE TO THE CHANGE OF COMPANY STATUS 7% of the net sales price or according to the general conditions according to the contractor's price list At least 30,00 per contract and after spending time * After spending time * but not less than 250,00 PREPARATION OF LEGAL OPINIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE INTENDED CONCLUSION OF A CERTAIN CONTRACT OR SET OF CONTRACTS, at the request of the lessee, in connection with an existing or new leasing contract REVIEW, AMENDMENTS, COORDINATION AND EXPLANATION OF CONTRACTS AND OTHER LEGAL DOCUMENTATION AND PROPOSALS OF THE PARTIES REGISTRATION OF PLEDGE, FIDUCIARY RIGHTS AND MORTGAGES AND OTHER REAL RIGHTS After spending time *, or according to the contractor's price list After spending time *, or according to the contractor's price list According to the contractor's price list RELATED SERVICES RELATING TO THE REGISTRATION OF PLEDGE, FIDUCIARY RIGHTS AND MORTGAGES AND OTHER REAL RIGHTS CLEANING OF THE VEHICLE AND REMOVAL OF DECALS IN THE CASE OF PRE TERMINATIONPICKUP OR EARLY TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT ISSUE OF VARIOUS STATEMENTS OR CERTIFICATES related to the contract 4. OTHER After spending time *, or according to the contractor's price list According to the contractor's price list 20,00 SERVICES RELATED TO THE COMPLETION OR CLOSURE OF THE TRANSACTIONS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRICE LIST ADMINISTRATIVE COST OF PRINTING AND SENDING INVOICE / NOTICE FOR PAYMENT After spending time *, or according to the contractor's price list 1 EUR/inovice Notes: overdue interest is charged after the payment is due VAT is charged on the price of services * 1 The basis for setting the price of services is the price of the working hour of the responsible person / persons: - referent: 45,00 - 85,00 EUR - consultant: 85,00 - 130,00 EUR - specialist: 130,00 - 180,00 EUR Deadlines and method of charging for services: Unless otherwise specified in the price list or contract, the price will be charged immediately after the service. The payment deadline expires immediately or no later than seven days from the The price list is valid from 1.12.2024 onward direktor: Tanja Pevulja