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In celebration of 50 years of Scania in the UK “Given under my hand this fourteenth day of December One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty Four I hereby certify that Scania-VABIS (Great Britain) Limited is this day incorporated under the Companies Act 1948.” It was with those words half a century ago that London’s Assistant Registrar of Companies, one L. S. Whitfield Esq, formalised the entry of Scania – a name unknown to practically every British transport operator at the time – into the UK. The rest, it is all too tempting to say, is history. Except for the fact that Scania’s progression from absolute UK beginner to pillar of the country’s transport establishment is a story for our times where only the very fittest, those who are constantly willing to change, adapt, develop and improve, survive. As we stand on the threshold of our second half century, I am well aware of the responsibilities our first 50 years place upon the shoulders of those who work for Scania in the UK today. I can safely say that without exception each of us now looks forward to continuing to serve you along the road which lies ahead. This edition of Scene Scania tells our story to date by way a series of specially commissioned articles spanning 50 years of British life. As well as charting our own history, we provide a glimpse of a broader perspective by covering areas as diverse as sport, music, food, politics and more. Transport and a selection of Scania operators from over the years also feature, of course. To help us along the way, we have brought together an eclectic mix of top writers and celebrities, including household-name TV, radio and national newspaper pundits, all distinguished experts in their fields. So join with us now as we begin a journey in celebration of 50 years of Scania in the UK – I’m sure you will enjoy the ride! Claes Jacobsson Managing Director Scania (Great Britain) Limited
