Appointment time and place Booking an appointment If the department referring you to the test did not book an appointment for you, you can book the appointment yourself, provided your GP or the department treating you made a requisition. Go to and log on using your NemID. You can find a guide and further info on https://regionsyddanmark. dk/wm503450 If you do not have a NemID, you can call the following number: Kolding / Fredericia: phone no. 7636 3032, open on weekdays 07:00-14:00. Vejle: phone no. 7940 6504, phones are open on weekdays 13:00-14:00. Appointment time and place in Fredericia Place Afdeling for Blodprøver og EKG, ground floor building B. Follow the signs from the main entrance. Time 07:30 am Contact/cancellation 7636 2774 Phone hours: Monday-Thursday 07:00-15:00. Friday 07:00 - 14:00 Appointment time and place in Kolding Place Daghospitalet, plan 5, enter through the Main Entrance Time 07:30 am (The department opens the doors at 7:30) Contact/cancellation 7636 2774 Phone hours Monday-Thursday 07:00-15:00. Friday 07:00-14:00 Appointment time and place in Vejle Place Blodprøver og EKG The ambulatory is located near the main entrance. Time Between 07:30 and 08:00 Contact/cancellation 7940 6508 Phone hours Monday-Thursday 07:00-15:00. Friday 07:00-14:00 Test results The results of the glucose tolerance test will be sent on the same day to the doctor/department that requisitioned the test. Yours faithfully Biochemistry and Immunology 3
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