Guide Purpose You have been referred to a glucose tolerance test. A glucose tolerance test means measuring your blood sugar levels by way of a blood sample after intaking a fixed amount of glucose solution. The test can be used to identify whether you suffer from an early stage of diabetes. Before the test You must be fasting, which means no food, drinking, smoking, sweets, bubble gum, etc. after 23.00 the evening before. You may drink water, however. In the 3 days leading up to the test, you need to have an ordinary well-balanced dietary intake and have a normal activity level. You may not exercise (eg. run, bike) 2 hours before the test. You must not have a fever or otherwise feel sick. It is a good idea to bring reading material or similar since the test has a duration of approximately 2 1/2 hours. We also advise that you bring a sugary drink and packed lunch, which you can intake after the blood test. On the day of the test You must be fasting at arrival. After resting for 15 minutes you must drink ¼ of a liter of glucose solution with some added lemon to take the edge of the sweet taste. 2 hours after drinking the glucose solution a blood sample is drawn from your arm. This concludes the test. You may not drink, eat, sleep, breast-feed or smoke for the duration of the test and you must stay calm and take it easy, otherwise the test results may be affected. If you feel thirsty you may drink a bit of tap water. The glucose solution can cause a bit of nausea and malaise. After the test We advise that you have a bit to eat and drink before leaving the hospital. One can feel a bit dull after the test. Appointment time The test requires an appointment. It is important that you keep the appointment time. Please do call and cancel if you are unable to come. 2
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