Hidden effects after a stroke To patients and relatives Vælg farve Dear___________________________ You were admitted to the neurological department due to a stroke (blood clot or brain haemorrhage). International studies show that hidden effects after a stroke can have a great influence on the extent that one can resume daily activities including work. During hospitalization you were appraised by an occupational therapist, who, amongst other things, assessed whether you had one or more hidden effects, and you both have determined whether there is any need for further rehabilitation. Experience shows however that individuals can experience signs of hidden effects of a stroke when everyday activities (work, housework, leisure activities and social activities) are resumed. Have you experienced difficulties resuming your usual activities? In the unlikely event that you or any of your relatives experience any problems with resuming everyday activities on the same level as before you were admitted, you can contact the occupational therapist at the hospital within one month after being discharged, latest by: date___________________________ On the basis of telephone conversations and consultation with you, she will reassess your needs and set up appropriate measures for your rehabilitation. Who you can contact Occupational therapist: __________________________ Tel: 6541 2461 between 12.00 noon and 1.00 pm Examples of hidden effects Mental and physical fatigue This can manifest itself in terms of you becoming tired more quickly whilst carrying out activities, having less stamina and taking longer to complete tasks that you used to perform faster. It can affect you in a social context, for example you may need to go home earlier or take a few days to recover. It can be difficult for others to understand your fatigue and they may interpret it as laziness. Impaired memory Memory problems have many aspects. You may feel that it is difficult learning new things and remembering appointments. It may also be difficult to remember details of conversations that you have just had. You could also experience memory loss for a limited period of time. Impaired attention span and concentration You may find it difficult to pay proper attention to things you are dealing with, to shift attention an to deal with more than one thing at a time. Odense Universitetshospital Neurologisk Afdeling N J. B. Winsløws Vej 4, 5000 Odense C, indgang 20, 10. sal Tlf. 65 41 24 61 Mail via e-Boks på www.ouh.dk/oden Læs mere om afdelingen på www.ouh.dk/afdn x 1/2 Materiale nr: 156598 08.11.2021
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