WELCOME This annual report for HCA Research at the Hans Christian Andersen Children’s Hospital provides a brief snapshot of our activities and contributions to pediatric research in 2019. The report presents projects, results, teaching, grants and collaboration. HCA Research has become a well - established research support unit; a unit which meets researchers with a commitment and willing- ness to collaborate in finding the best solutions for the individual project. 2019 has been a good year for HCA Research. New projects have been started, a number of projects have been successfully finalized as well as PhD projects. In 2019 we have welcomed two new professors to our team. The research funding profile has increased. I would like to thank researchers, employees and close collaborators for their engagement and effort in improving and supporting HCA Research. Everyone grasps the importance of providing a high standard in every work field. This approach is the foundation of HCA Research’s success and is reflected in a continuous increase in publications. As we move forward we will maintain our strength in interdisciplinary research while seeking to build new partnerships and recruit new researchers in new projects, in order to sustain the excellence and impact of our research unit. Steffen Husby Professor & Head of Research
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