Discharge from in-patient ward For patients and relatives Vælg farve Discharge from in-patient ward, Surgical Unit A You have been admitted to ward __________. You have been to surgery for _____________. Date of surgery: _______________. You have been assessed ready for discharge Your primary care physician (doctor) will be notified of your admission by letter. What you should be aware of You may contact the unit within the first 24 hours after discharge if you have: • Pain, that cannot be relieved by pain medication • Fever (temperature above 38 degrees Celsius) • Other unresolved questions You need to contact your primary care physician/the none-emergency medical service if 24 hours have passed since your discharge. Contact information to the wards In-patient ward A1: +45 65 41 22 44 In-patient ward A2: +45 65 41 22 12 In-patient ward A4: +45 63 20 12 61 Importance of staying active It is important for your bodys recovery that you stay active after surgery for your wound to heal and to normalize bowel movements. You may stay active within your pain threshold. If you have received a pamphlet from your physiotherapist, you should act according to it. Importance of eating and drinking well after surgery Food and hydration are important because the wound/wounds need nourishment to heal. Your stomach also needs food to have regular bowel movements after surgery. You may eat what you please if you have not been told otherwise. It may be advised to supplement with a multi vitamin tablet four weeks after your discharge. Hygiene You may shower when 24 hours have passed since your surgery. You may not bathe in tubs, in the ocean or swimming pools until the wound have healed - after approximately 14 days since your surgery. Remove the band aid from the wound We recommend that you remove the band aid(s) when 24 hours have passed since your surgery, because it is healthy for the wound to be aired. If it leaks from the wound or you are bothered by the sutures rubbing against your clothes, you may temporarily put a band aid on. Inflammation in the wound Fever, redness, swelling, heat, and pain related to the wound may be a sign of inflammation. If there are signs of inflammation you should contact your primary care physician (doctor) or the non-emergency medical service. Odense Universitetshospital Kirurgisk Afdeling A Odense/Svendborg/Nyborg Tlf. 65 41 51 90 Mail via e-Boks på www.ouh.dk/odea Læs mere om afdelingen på www.ouh.dk/afda x 1/3 Materiale nr: 175435 09.03.2023
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