CHAPTER 7 A decentralised research and innovation unit at OUH by Ole Graumann 52 CHAPTER 8 The GERI Toolbox – a toolbox for early detection of deterioration in health by Karen Andersen-Ranberg 58 CHAPTER 9 Needs are best met through collaboration by Christian Graversen 65 CHAPTER 10 Collaboration with the business community: a necessity for innovation to succeed by Peder Jest 69 CASE The ‘My Hospital’ app 75 CHAPTER 11 New partnerships will shape the future of our healthcare sector by Christian Bason and Sara Gry Striegler 76 CHAPTER 12 Collaboration between a small company and a large hospital by Ulrik Schønnemann 81 CHAPTER 13 International collaboration makes us better by Claus Duedal Pedersen 85 CHAPTER 14 Perseverance and hard work lead to results by Pia Gjellerup 91 Epilogue by Peder Jest 94
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