CASE: Per B. Christensen and co. A/S in Silkeborg The unique insulting power of the specially developed three layered NASSAU Energy window sections result in significant energy savings, compared to traditional window sections on the market. Calculations show that Per B car-dealership in Silkeborg will save about 18.000 kWh in a year on their 10 NASSAU Energy Doors.* The amount of energy saved is equivalent to the total energy consumption of three Danish standard households in a year.** Per B car-dealership will therefore refund their investment in the 10 NASSAU Energy doors in less than three years – entirely on energysavings.*** * Calculated after a Danish reference-year, cf. DRY, an average indoor-temperature of 20° Celsius and with the doors closed. ** Three standard households with four residents in each household (source: Danmarks Statestik) *** Calculated with an energy-price of DKK 1,50 per kWh.
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