Voltmeter 1 2 _ + Self-help guide EM-239 PCB TR-EM-239 EM-239 PCB Check of power supply to the PCB 12-24 V Voltmeter Voltmeter Act. 1 Act. 2 14 3 456 9 10 1 2 _ EM-23 + 9 PCB Frem FW Tilbage BW EM-239 PCB 14 9 10 Frem FW Tilbage BW The supply must be 12/24 EEMM V --22 D 3399 C PP . CC W BB ith the transformer TR-EM-XXX-T-230 the voltage will be 30-31 V DC. EM-239 PCB EM-239 PCB Check the 5 volt output 4 14 9 10 5 V VVoollttmmeetteerr Frem FW Act. 1 Act. 2 Tilbage BW 1 3 456 9 10 1 1 4 4 _ EM-239 PCB Frem FW + Tilbage BW Check the internal 5 V supply to the microprocessor. The voltage must be 5 V. At lack of voltage the PCB is defective. 1 Ohmmeter 14 9 10 14 9 10 Frem FW Tilbage BW Check the control signal (ha E n M d -2 c 3 o 9 n P t C ro B l) EM-239 PCB 14 1 Ohmmeter + 5 V 1 Voltmeter _ 14 9 10 Check that the activation signal from the hand control functions by measuring the voltage to terminal 9 and 10. The control signal must be positive (+) between 5-32 V. 14 1 Ohmmeter + 14 9 10 LINAKTHIRDPARTY.COM