Input/Output Green Can_L Specification Yellow Can_H Orange Light Blue Violet White Not to be used HW addressing (3) Service interface Service interface GND Linear Actuator LA33 | 56 Comments Actuators with CAN bus does not contain the 120 Ω terminal resistor. The physical layer is in accordance with J1939-15.* Speed: Autobaud up to 500 kbps (CAN bus prior to version 3.0 up to 250 kbps) Max bus length: 40 meters Max stub length: 3 meters Max node count: 10 (can be extended to 30 under certain circumstances) Wiring: Unshielded twisted pair Cable impedance: 120 Ω (±10 %) When used for Hardware addressing connect to VCC or negative (GND) Only Actuator Connect ® can be used as service interface. Use grey adapter cable * J1939-15 refers to Twisted Pair and Shielded cables. The standard/default cables delivered with CAN actuators do not comply with this.
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