Mounting guidelines Linear Actuator LA37 | 15 • The mounting pins must have the correct dimension. • The bolts and nuts must be made of a high quality steel grade (e.g. 10.8). No thread on the bolt inside the back fixture or the piston rod eye. • Bolts and nuts must be protected so there is no risk for them to fall out. • Do not use a torque that is too high when mounting the bolts for the back fixture or the piston rod eye. This will stress the fixtures. Please note: The piston rod eye is only allowed to turn 0-90 degrees. Instruction concerning the turning of the piston rod eye and inner tube: • When mounting and taking into use, it is not permitted to make excessive turns of the piston rod eeyyee.IInnccaasseesswwhheerereththeeeyeeyeisisnontopt opsoitsioitnioendecdocrroercrtelyc,tliyt,isitpiserpmeirtmteidttteodftirostfisrcsrteswcrtehwe the eyeydeodwonwtnotiotsitbsobtotottmompopsoitsioitnio,nataat ammaxaixm. utomrqtuoerqoufe2oNf 2mN(1m),(a1n),datnhdertehaefrteearfatemr aaxm. a9x0im° tuumrn 9o0utdaeggareines(2t)u.rn out again (2). • AAss tthhee ppiissttoonn rroodd eeyyee ccaann ttuurrnn ffrreeeellyy, iitt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt ttoo eennss 0 u 3 u 06 rr 1 ee 8/D t S thhaatt tthhee eeyyee ccaannnnoott rroottaattee if itfhteheacatcutautaotroirs iussues I d n e st d r i u n k i t n i a on ap ve u d p r l . ul ud al d lp re a j p n p i l n pi g cl a ai f c i t n ai d o e t r in r o ø . r n – I.f LA Itf 2 h 7 ti + hs L ih A s 2 a 7 h C pappepnesn, st,hteheacatcutautaotrowr will ibllebepupluleldledapaaprat rt aanndd ddeessttrrooyyeedd. Til salesbackup, brugsanvisning og datablad. Ved montage og ibrugtagning, er det ikke tilladt at dreje unødvendigt mange gange på stempelstangsrøret. Hvis øjet ikke er positioneret korrekt, er det tilladt først at skrue røret i bund (1), og derefter skrue det maksimalt ½ omgang ud igen (2). Warning! If the actuator is used for pull in an application where personal injury can occur, the following is valid: It is the application manufacturer’s responsibility to incorporate a suitable safety arrangement, which will prevent personal injury from occurring, if the actuator should fail. Warning! LINAK ® actuators are not designed for use within the following fields: • Offshore installations • Explosive environments • Aeroplanes and other aircraft • Nuclear power generation
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