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User guide UBL4 Motion 1 2 3 MotionMdoeteiocntidonetzeoMcntoieotinonzodneetection zone Patient is in bed MotionMdoeteiocntidonetzeoMcntoieotinonzodneetection zone MotionMdoeteiocntidonetzeoMcntoieotinonzodneetection zone Patient is sitting up thus activating the sensor Patient walks away from the bed and exits the motion detection zone. After 10 seconds of inactivity the guiding light dim down. 4 5 etion zone Motion dMetoetciotinondeztoencetion zone Patient returns to the bed, activates the bed sensor and guiding light is back on max intensity. When the patient enters the bed again, the guiding light will dim down after 10 seconds and turn off after 10 minutes. Sensor isSceonvseorreids covered The sensor field of vision is obstructed, in this case by the bed sheets and will not function. 6 Bed light with Motion dMetoetciotinondeztoencet motion sensor ered Motion detectMioontizoonndeetection zone Motion detectMioontizoonndeetection zone The guiding light will only turn on in poorly lit rooms. (Guiding light will turn on when night threshold is below approximately 35 lux. Guiding light will not turn on when light is above approximately 75 lux MA M9-02-992 - 2023.07 LINAK.COM