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2002 The first dedicated LINAK segment is created Activities in adjustable desks take off, leading to the creation of our first dedicated segment, DESKLINE ® . LINAK Canada is established in March LINAK Schweiz is established in July LINAK releases DESKPOWER™ DESKPOWER is a system consisting of the lifting units DL4 and DB4, the control box CBD4 and control DPA. The system sets the standard for low noise, high speed independent of load, and a long stroke length. LINAK Japan is established in December After collaborating with wholesalers in Japan for ten years, LINAK opens an independent subsidiary in Japan.
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2001 Gazelle of the Year Leading Danish financial daily newspaper, Børsen, names LINAK ® “Gazelle of the Year”. 2000 LINAK awarded Royal Mark of Honour & Workplace of the Year In June, LINAK receives the “Mark of Honour of King Frederik the 9th” for consecutive years of rapidly growing export and for remarkable success in difficult markets. LINAK also wins the prestigious “Workplace of the Year” awarded by SID – Den- mark’s largest labour union. LINAK Spain office opens in March LINAK New Zealand is established in May LINAK Poland opens in September