/KL.7. Making office workers healthier: A public health intervention making office workers use their height-adjustable office desks more, conducted for LINAK® 2017 Contents 1.0 Background. 4 2.0 Behavioral Design. 6 2.1 Interventions. 7 2.2 Intervention sites and period. 8 3.0 Method. 9 3.1 Study design. 9 3.2 Data collection. 10 3.3 Data management. 11 3.4 Statistical analyses. 12 3.5 Qualitative insights that might affects behavior. 13 4.0 Results. 13 4.1 Overall results. 14 4.2 Qualitative evaluation. 14 5.0 Discussion. 16 5.1 Strengths and limitations. 16 5.2 Study design. 17 5.3 Generalizing the results. 18 6.0 Conclusion. 18 3
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