INTRO We must do more by producing less. People go to work for many reasons. To support themselves and their families. To grow professionally. To receive affirmation. At Fristads, we also go to work because we want to be drivers of change and part of a greater purpose. We are passionate about sustainability and each day is a chance for us to take meaning- ful actions to protect the planet. G lobal climate change and environmental degradation are the challenges of our time and the textile industry needs to do its part to protect the planet. At Fristads, we are dedicated to reducing our environmental footprint, from the time we design a garment until it has reached the end of its life. We have set an ambitious goal to cut our emissions of gre- enhouse gases by 50% by 2030 and are working on finding alternatives to hazardous chemicals in products. Thanks to our ground-breaking En- vironmental Product Declaration (EPD), we have set a new standard for sustainable workwear by measuring the environmental impact of our gar- ments. We are continuously replacing materials in our garments with more sustainable alternati- ves and are adding more Green collections to our product offering every year. Still, we need to do more. The best way to reduce the environmental impact of clothes is to produce less of them, something that both requires con- sumers to change their behaviour and producers to compete with quality rather than price. At Fristads we take great pride in producing premi- um workwear that stands up against wear and tear and doesn’t go out of style. And when gar- ments do break, our first choice is to repair them rather than replace them with a new one. If consumers are to make informed decisions when buying clothes, producers also have a responsibility to be transparent about the pro- duction process and the environmental impact of each garment. We will go as far as saying that measuring the environmental impact of clothing should be mandatory. The development of our EPD was an important step in the right direction and we hope other clothing manufacturers will follow suit. After all, when it comes to the planet, we are all in this together. Anders Hülse, Managing Director at Fristads 2 FRISTADS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020
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