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If your traineeship/internship lasts for less than four years, you will not start on the first salary bracket. / If your traineeship/internship lasts three years, you will start on the second salary bracket. / If your traineeship/internship lasts two years, you will start on the third salary bracket. / If your traineeship/internship lasts one year, you will start on the fourth salary bracket. Adult trainees/interns will be remunerated as regular employees. You are an adult trainee/intern if you were over the age of 25 when you started your study programme. Minimum salary for KVU students with prior trainee/intern experience 1 March 2023 1 March 2024 DKK 21,000 DKK 21,735 Minimum salary for KVU students without prior trainee/intern experience 1 March 2023 1 March 2024 DKK 17,765 DKK 18,387 Minimum salary or EGU trainees/interns 1 March 2023 1 March 2024 DKK 12,333 DKK 12,765 4

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OPTIONAL PAY ACCOUNT The Free Choice Account is an account where a percentage of the salary is made available. The account can be used for extra holiday pay, extra pension payments, two childcare days, leave for senior workers and, as a new provision beginning with this agreement, also for a second day of leave to look after your ill child and for doctor's visits with your child. You can now also choose to have the account paid out as part of your salary if you do not want to use it for extended time off or savings. Every year in May, you can choose to transfer one or more holiday days (value per day 0.5%) to your Free Choice Account. In May, you'll also need to decide what to do with your Free Choice Account as regards holidays in the coming year. It is part of the agreement that your employer must encourage you to make a choice. If you do nothing, the account will be paid out on an ongoing basis. If you want to take senior workers’ leave, it is especially important that you notify us in May, as your leave will be cancelled if the money is paid out on an ongoing basis. Your employer must deposit this into your Free Choice Account: 1 March 2023 1 March 2024 7 9 SICKNESS AND TIME OFF IN LIEU If you are sick on the same day(s) when you have scheduled time off in lieu, senior workers’ leave or holiday leave with your manager, you can take your time off later. However, you must call in sick before the time when you would have had to report to work if you had not taken time off. Also check the internal rules for sick leave at your workplace. WORKING HOURS The normal effective working hours are 37 hours per week for full-time employees. The working hours may vary in a fixed work schedule for up to 26 weeks. Part-time employees have working hours planned as relevant. You are entitled to time off with pay on Constitution Day (5 June) and either Christmas Eve (24 December) or New Year’s Day (31 December). If you are working on these days, you must be paid overtime. Breaks You must have one break of at least half an hour per day and at most one hour per day. If you are available to your employer, you are not on break. 5
