SALARY Your salary needs to reflect your efforts, qualifications, skill, job flexibility, will to cooperate, working at special hours and whether there has been entered into an agreement about a fixed salary plus the job description and responsibility for any education you may have pursued. The salary needs to be assessed and, if relevant, adjusted at least once per year during a salary meeting. Your manager is obliged to have a meeting with you and you can always ask for one if, for example, the contents or responsibilities of your role change, you get new working hours or you have completed new study programmes. The salary is not allowed to deviate significantly from the starting salary level at the company or starting salary levels at companies in the same industry. Therefore, it is always a good idea to check with your local HK branch and ask about salary levels within your area in the same industry. For trainees/interns and young people under the age of 18 there are special minimum rates for salaries. Minimum salary for young people under the age of 18 1 March 2023 1 March 2024 DKK 12,212 DKK 76.15 per hour DKK 12,630 DKK 78.80 per hour Minimum salary for trainees/interns 1 March 2023 1 year DKK 12,333 2 years DKK 13,761 3 years DKK 15,140 4 years DKK 16,402 1 March 2024 DKK 12,765 DKK 14,242 DKK 15,670 DKK 16,976 Supplement for HHX, STX, HF, HTX and EUX of DKK 979 per month. Get help with your salary review You have the right to a salary review at least once per year if you request it. If you are going to attend a salary review, you can get help on how to approach it with HK HANDEL's salary coach. Contact your local HK branch at tel. +45 7011 4545 for advice and guidance on how to negotiate your salary. 3
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