Dear partner Our recurring inspiration fair, Casual Dining, is changing its name to Madscenen - for Professionals! With this change, we are moving even closer to the food culture, craftsmanship, and expertise of professional kitchens – both big and small. Theme of the year UNITED IN CULINARY CRAFTSMANSHIP This year, we highlight the culinary scene for exceptional food experiences and focus on the artisanry that pins our collective food culture. Therefore, we ask you to showcase the crafts- manship of your products when we open the doors to an extraordinary Culinary Scene on September 11th at TAP1 in Copenhagen. If you are a meat producer, you could showcase cuts of meat or aging processes, or if you are a cheese producer, you could highlight processes such as curdling or flavor development.
PRACTICAL INFORMATION Time and place September 11 2024 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. TAP1, Raffinaderivej 10 2300 København S SpeedUpdate September 10, 2023 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM NOTE! First come, first served, see page 7. Foodtrucks There is plenty of space for food trucks. Please note they will be placed outdoors. Specify size. NEW NEW NEW n Location TAP1 - formerly a station, distillery, and an incredible raw backdrop for a food fair. n Culinary Scene we transform the entire area of TAP1 into a culinary mecca, both indoors and outdoors. Here, you are part of setting the agenda for trends and tendencies that shape our culinary scene. n Program packed with pioneering figures of the food industry, sharing and showcasing their craftsmanship and profound passion. n Junkfood handles exhibitor lunch. Junkfood is an NGO that daily delivers free meals to the homeless using surplus ingredients, including those from Dagrofa Foodservice. Former chefs from Alchemist run the kitchen at Junkfood.