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FlowCon FN.0.2, FN.0.2-BUS and FN.0.4 1B95080 - 06/2023 Limitation Functions with FN.0.2-BUS FN.0.2-BUS includes two limitation functions; Return Temperature set in reg. 315 or AV.23 Thermal Power set in register 314 or AV.22 System Monitoring with FN.0.2-BUS Leak Detection is possible based on measured values of supply and return temperature (register 424 and 425 or AI.2 and AI.3), when the valve is closed. A temperature difference greater than 8°C for at least 6 hours is detected as a leak and shown in register 407 or BI.7. Failure Messaging such as: Actuator Fault (register 318 or BI.3 and BI.4) Calibration Error (register 318 or BI.5) and Valve Blocking (register 318 or BI.6) is built in features in the FN.0.2-BUS. In addition is a failure reaction (register 134 or AV.8) possible in case of BUS communication failure or invalid control function. FlowCon International assumes no responsibility for mistakes, if any, in any printed material. This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on Page 8 of 8