FlowCon Composite 15-40 mm (1/2”-1 1/2”) 1B95020 - 09/2020 FlowCon Composite Inserts 20 mm, for valves DN15/20/25 - Y-TYPE 20mm · 3/4” · Composite insert · Y-type Pressure range, ΔP: 20-130 kPaD (15-130 kPaD)* · 2.9-18.9 psid (2.2-18.9 psid)* Model no. ABV1.Y.Y ABV1.Y.R ABV1.Y.U ABV1.Y.B ABV1.Y.G Nominal flow rate l/sec l/hr GPM Grey* Red 0.0081 29.2 0.128 1 0.0133 47.9 0.211 2 0.0175 63.0 0.277 3 0.0222 79.9 0.352 4 0.0311 112 0.493 5 0.0353 127 0.560 6 0.0383 138 0.607 7 0.0431 155 0.683 8 0.0450 162 0.713 0.0575 207 0.911 4 0.0619 223 0.981 0.0669 241 1.06 0.0922 332 1.46 5 0.0978 352 1.55 0.105 378 1.66 6 0.114 409 1.80 7 0.115 415 1.83 0.118 426 1.88 0.119 430 1.89 8 0.136 489 2.15 0.137 492 2.17 0.138 498 2.19 0.146 524 2.31 0.146 526 2.32 0.155 557 2.45 0.176 635 2.80 0.180 647 2.85 0.193 695 3.06 0.231 830 3.66 0.237 854 3.76 0.253 909 4.00 0.273 984 4.33 Blue Black Green 3 4 4 1 5 2 3 6 4 7 8 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 Accuracy: Greatest of either ±10% of controlled flow rate or 20 l/hr (0.0056 l/sec or 0.088 GPM). Letter stamp Y Adjustment orifice cup Allen wrench 6 mm Adjustment settings “number plate” Figure 3 Use a 6 mm Allen key for adjusting the flow rate. A setting of 8, in a red insert with Y stamping indicates a 20 mm (3/4”) insert with a flow rate of: 0.119 l/sec (1.89 GPM) in a ΔP range of 20-130 kPaD (2.9-18.9 psid) This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on www.flowcon.com Page 2 of 4